Best way to study poker
Posted by Alfie0702
Posted by Alfie0702 posted in Low Stakes
Best way to study poker
Hello. I have been playing poker for about 3 months now and I am ready to get more serious about learning more about the game. In the past 3 months of playing, I have read and learned about the mathematics basics of poker like pot odds, counting outs, and equity on the turn and river and +EV calls.
With this knowledge alone, I turned my starting $10 into roughly $300 playing live poker at $0.50/$1.00 (converted from 20/40 Philippine Pesos) I can honestly say that it was all luck on my part. I think that with proper strategy and deeper knowledge of poker, I could have played better and won more money. But earning more money is not on the top of my list right now. I genuinely would like to start studying poker diligently as I would like to improve and be a well-rounded player.
Books that I have read:
1.) Poker Math that Matters
2.) Essential Poker Math
Any advice on how and where I should start? Thank you very much.
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