Best Way to Learn Range Construction
Posted by pkrbruha1
Posted by pkrbruha1 posted in Mid Stakes
Best Way to Learn Range Construction
RIO Help!
Villain Range Construction and elimination is a gaping hole in my otherwise solid game. Need advice from successful range construction players on the best way to cement this process in my game.
What has worked for you?
- software (in or out of play)
- specific videos (the ones on rio are good but not getting me to cement this into my game)
- specific thought process or checklist in play
- ???
I just mentally can't get over deferring back to my own two cards the majority of the time. I'm willing to do whatever it takes but to date what I've tried doesn't stick. In sure I'm not the only one. Thanks for any advice or experience you can share.
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Generally merged on early streets, more polarized in later streets. If you want to analyse specific spots, first, only look at full 5 card board with 2 streets of betting and 2 calls. You can set up some boards as common scenarios and find out which hands you would play for value like this and then add some combos of bluffs in a solid 2:1 ratio.
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