Best Way to Exploit Weird Lines/Strats by Villain?

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Best Way to Exploit Weird Lines/Strats by Villain?

I don't want to make this too broad/general of a question (such as the thread title) so i'll provide examples and be a bit more specific lol ^^

What i'm trying to ask is how can we exploit a villain when... he takes either a weird line for value or a weird line as a bluff and how do we accurately distinguish between the two in a unclear spot where we aren't sure if villain is unbalanced to more value or bluffs?

Such as when villain shouldn't have a wide value raising range or betting range given the way his ranges "should" be constructed in this spot and thus when you are against a type of villain who is capable of bluffing/has a bluffing range, but may pick bad spots/weird spots to bluff in... i'm sure most of you have come across a spot once in a while where villain bets or raises and you ask yourself what hands is he even betting/raising here?


Example...Hand i played a while back:
(BB) Hero $700: Ah3c
(UTG) Villain I $755: Old man TAG, live tells: he was talking like he really understood the game, seems str8 forward so far but we'll see...
(MP) Villain II $550: Str8-forward TAG villain

Preflop: 6 limps to hero, Hero makes it 45 in BB, Villain I UTG calls 45, Villain II MP calls 45, everyone else folds,... 3-way

Flop, Pot = 150 (3 players)
Hero x, VI x, VII x

Turn, Pot = 150 (3 players)
Hero bets 60, VI raises to 160, VII folds, Hero?


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Brokenstars 8 years, 8 months ago

I'd just play solid and significantly more value oriented and likely playing a bit higher vpip live. Once you get reads you can exploit, but you don't get very many hands and tells can be misinterpreted live so you need to be careful with how much you adjust. I read posts all the time from live players that are just absolutely idiotic. Was reading one today where guy said he was walking over the table so he widened his range and his question was regarding 63hh he had opened in Utg+3, don't do that. Also the question itself was quite awful in regards to the 63hh hand. So just keep that in mind. Post some basic questions. TLDR posts don't get responses very much.

240SS 8 years, 8 months ago

... :l

I think im not being clear in what i'm asking ITT because i don't know how to word it correctly or gather my thoughts in a coherent manner to explain what i need to ask (sometimes)...

I sort of end up rambling because im trying to be specific as possible but then it just turns into a ramble.

So... you don't know what i'm asking ITT?

sauloCosta10 8 years, 8 months ago

I think you are really overcomplicating things here. Your main problem seems to be hand reading. I'll explain...if you are capable of putting your opponent in a reasonable range of hands, the way you can exploit his range should be pretty easy to find. For example, if you see a donk bet BB vs EP on Axx, even though it doesnt make sense theoretically for him to develop a leading range on this texture with these positions, you know that his range is likely weak Ax + some gutshots and 2nd pairs and stuff like that. Therefore, you know immediately that you can exploit his range by raising a lot since it is very weak and you are uncapped with a range advantage. If villain takes a weird line that you dont expect, you should just gather information to put him on a range of hands and go from there. When you cant put your opponent in a range of hands you can use general population tendencies. In the example hand you gave, his line is indeed weird, but you dont have enough info to accurately put him on a range. So you can use the general population tendency that people wont be bluffing enough in that spot, and since you have poor equity you should just fold.The thing is: you cannot "exlpoit" someone if you cant even assign them a range of hands. You exploit someone when you are aware of imbalances in their plays

240SS 8 years, 8 months ago

Really good post man thanks! Def a type of response i was looking for ITT and cleared things up a bit for me.

Villain's taking weird lines def throw me off a bit at first glance... like you said because of this it gets hard to put them on a accurate/specific range of hands/hand read when they have a range disadvantage or something in a certain spot...

...Then it's on you and now you are scratching ur head and asking urself what is he even betting in this spot etc.

lion777 8 years, 8 months ago

Impossible to answer your question since it would be so villain read dependent but if anything bumping it up to 9x on the BB with A3o in a 6-way limped pot at 2/5 is just awful, people are not limp folding and trying to run people over oop post flop at small stakes is not a good idea.

240SS 8 years, 8 months ago

Lol yeah the steal "usually" gets through depending on my image and table dynamic and i also have bad mental game "sometimes" because of my impatience of how slow the game is, so those are my pathetic excuses for my open pre...

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