Best service to buy preflop range
Posted by totoflip
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Mid Stakes
Best service to buy preflop range
Hi i want improve my preflop strategy, actualy i use snowie range and work great, but want to try monker or pio range.
1) Buy monkersolver and construct range its easy to make preflop range? 499 dollar coat
2) buy preflop range of monker or pio, i see many different site , 899 dollar plus
What you advice? Where i can buy prelop range?
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personally I think this is a complete waste of money. I use Snowie Ranges, for the most part, at 500z and they work well. I know other players who use them at higher stakes than this and they crush. $500 or $900 is a ridiculous amount of money imo for a part of the game that is fairly easy and simple to execute. you are FAR better off investing time/effort and money in to your post-flop game, that is where all of the money is made and lost.
I use snowie for RFI and cc IP, thats all. Don't you think the cc ip range are quite tight for midstakes? Before I used snowie's I was coldcalling about twice as wide BUvsCO.
I have pio for the post flop, i read snowie range are not the best for pre flop, run it once coaches use monker or pio
Someone posted Pio open vs BB preflop ranges a while ago here
Don't think buying ranges will automatically improve you as poker player. It is good base to learn and cut some pre mistakes, but investing ~500$ not sure.
Anyway you need to study it a lot, and invest time to master it. Can't just print it and start crushing.
It is def not about buying ranges it is more about understanding poker and the poker opponents you play against daily so that you can adjust to optimally exploit your opponents.
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