best river line with trips?....draws miss
Posted by Paid_To_Laid
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Low Stakes
best river line with trips?....draws miss
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $66.09
SB: $179.17
BB: $62.18 (Hero)
UTG: $50.00
MP: $46.64
CO: $57.85
SB: $179.17
BB: $62.18 (Hero)
UTG: $50.00
MP: $46.64
CO: $57.85
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
wins and shows three of a kind, Nines.
BB wins $35.84
Rake is $1.89
BB wins $35.84
Rake is $1.89
Villian was an 18/ 12/ 7 over 400 hands. I don't have any other information on him.
I'm assuming he gets to the river with A9s, T9s, 98s, 22, 44, and a bunch of draws that miss. I Just thought that playing our hand as a bluff catch is best on the river, since we don't beat a lot of his non draws that call the turn (my assumption of his calling range, but I did totally forget about 55-88,TT-AA lol im a donk) also a lot of his flush draws that miss, since he is rasising so tight pre will be ace high flush draws that will likely check back. Should I always shove here? How do u play this?
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I think you can mix it up, but since hes tighter he has less draws in his range which makes jam more attractive i think.
I like to 3rd pot bet river here to induce a bluff frim villans missed draws or weaker 9x and also gain thin value from other weak pairs 55-88.
Aiden's idea seems nice on this spot. 1/3 is the perfect size for you to bluff (aiming to fold his missed draws) so he might call against 1/3 very often. Plus, you might not even get value shoving since you lose to 9 combos and beat not more than that.
I really like Aiden's look at this. But I often use hands like A9 etc. to 3-bet/fold in the blinds.
The ace makes me block some Ax combo's and I often feel hardpressed to continue check-calling on an Axx flop. How would you have liked a 3-bet vs such a villain?
Giving we have about 65-70% cbets in our range even if he calls our 3-bet, we should pick up that pot numerous times.
I'm a noobie in forums though, so please please correct me if this is incorrect in any way at all.
I'm shoving. It maximizes value againts one pair bluffcatchers.
Getting big value from bluffcatching region > inducing bluffs/calls from weak stuff, as far as I'm concerned.
This is a turn you can donkbet entire range assuming you call most 9x preflop and villain isn't....
I liked the turn XR if we assume villain plays like a typical micro player and continues to bet most overpairs, but the XR size is a little large because of paired board (blockers and all that). I also wouldn't be too worried about T9 OTR because T9o might fold pre and it's villain weakest offsuit 9x and second weakest suited, so more likely checked back at some point than all other 9x. The large turn XR and a river shove makes it so villain doesn't need to call wider than trips to call enough. This doesn't work as well as it should because when you hold trips you block half of villains trips, and his calling range is suddenly more houses+ than trips. Therefore size down turn XR and bet something like 70% pot or smaller OTR, and maybe as small as 1/3 pot makes sense here.
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