Being capped

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Being capped

This was actually a main event at my table that I wasn't involved in, but its a spot I've been thinking about some lately that comes up a fair bit, and I'm curious what you guys think in positions betting range should look like. Blinds 100-200, UTG+2 raises to 500, bb defends, 30k or so effective.



Checked to utg1 who bets 500, bb calls.

Turn: 9s

Checked to utg1, what should his betting range look like here, what hands is he bet calling/bet folding? He checks behind.

River 4c

Check, bet 1200, check raise to 4400, fold. I thought this was another interesting spot I've been a little unclear on how I want to approach VS people who are gonna be balanced when they check raise the river. Suppose utg1 gets to the river with AK like this. Imo he's are far enough ahead of villians range that it has to be a bet, but he is really capped, unless he wants to put some KK,99 in his turn checking range and that is obviously not a lot of combos anyway. The bb's range is a lot of bluff catchers and busted straight draws, but he has a bigger portion of nutty hands he will be able to check raise with. In general I think these spots are tricky for in position, and would love some insight on how you guys approach them.

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