BB vs UTG in 3 bet pot on 763r
Posted by SpankoPita22
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Low Stakes
BB vs UTG in 3 bet pot on 763r
Hi guys
Can somone explain to me why the solver chooses large flop bet sizes here at 70% frequency? It's betting about 95% pot
(BB 3 bet vs UTG open and call.)
From BB's pov
My first guess is nut advantage on a board where UTG has no sets or 2 pair.
I was wondering if give the choice of even bigger bet sizes, if the solver would choose to overbet?
This just seems like such a wild output.
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I guess it is related to the 4betting-range that solvers assign pre.
Expect QQ+ to be 4bets on a super high frequency preflop while - as you mentioned - sets and 2p might be completely 0 flats pre.
So we sit here with the nut-overpair that is super vulnerable and so betting a big sizing makes sense.
Could be an overbet or even jam if the solver is allowerd to.
But i would be careful with implementing this as i see flats from QQ/low PP or SC all the time from UTG in this spot.
In this case betting pot/overbet here would be terrible as we isolate ourselves vs a nutty range!
Thanks for explaining :) that's what I thought. Interestingly it's even betting non-pair hands huge, like basically most of the range
Well, if most PP/SC get folded pre and everything above QQ gets 4bet, what hands can villain defend on this flop?
It’s basically 88-JJ (but we block JJ) while his range contains tons of overcarcads.
So if villain is forced to call like KQs with BDFD (that has decent equity vs our hand!), setting an expensive price with whole range makes sense.
We are also pretty happy if we bet KQ here and get snapfolds from a lot of AT-AQ.
So the solver is assigning a huuuiuuge rangwadvantage here, that is kind of far from reality i guess....
But maybe check the 4betting/flattingrange of your solver. Not that my thoughts are way off here...
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