BB vs CO defending range
Posted by ilares
Posted by ilares posted in Mid Stakes
BB vs CO defending range
I have trouble designing a standart defending range as BB vs a 2.5bb open raise from a regular player from CO
My actual defending range look like this, around 25%, around 14% call 11% 3bet
3betting 99+ AJ+ KQ, T9s-76s (i check my database, i have -150bb/100 calling these as BB vs CO, quite surprising) and some K7s/Q7s/A5s-A2s
I watch some NL5K with Kanu7 yesterday, and saw a lot of light defending hands like J6s or Q5s ou 87o etc from BB vs CO
so i guess i could defend larger
i also checked what snowie advice here (facing a raise, bb , co, 2.5bb), and it's quite a huge defending range
so i think we can defend wide here, and our worst hands have something like -80bb/100 winrate (-100bb/100 folding)
but i doubt like 63 53s Q3s A5o hands lose less by calling than folding
what do you think guys?
what are the worst hands you defend? what is your winrate with it?
what 3b bluff hands you usually have on BB vs CO spot? (y it depends on vilain, let's say a 25-30% open raise from Co with a 50-55% fold to 3bet)
here my winrate by callings worst hands (filer me BB, raise CO, coldcall=true)
A2s-A9s 0bb
88-22 -10bb/100
A9o-A6o 0bb/100
K9s-K4s, Q9s-Q6s J9s-J7s -20bb/100
Kjo QJo KTo -150bb/100
KTs QJs QTs JTs -140bb
Jts-76s -200bb
T8s T7s 97s 87s 86s 76s 75s 64s 64s 54s -160bb/100
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