BB vs BTN - standard played?
Posted by daddy80
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Low Stakes
BB vs BTN - standard played?

Villian is 20/16-2.7 over 4.5k hands. Raise 1st from btn is 39 %. His cbet is 64 %, turn cbet is 44 %. WWSF is 45 %.
Would you have played this differently at any point?
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You could consider raising flop or leading turn. I like raising flop. One could argue that villain only folds worse. However, he is probably folding some better Ax and maybe some PPs. Further, A high isn't as valuable against a 39% opening/ 64% cbetting range as it would be against, say, 60% RFI, 75% cbet. So, I wouldn't mind turning my hand into a bluff.
Flop seems fine.
Turn seems fine too.
River I think is actually close-ish. I'd have to sim this spot.
How wide are you flatting from bb here just out of curiosity?
For me it´s actually a sign of disrespect vs. those you expect answers from.
How do I do it?
Ok, regarding the hand, I like flatting pre. I´d 3-bet from SB, flatting from BB is fine. We´re getting a good price and we dominate a ton of Villains holdings. Flop is close between x/r and x/c. I agree with the turncall being close though. I had probably x/r turn, shoved river.
Is it so so bad, and am i so so wrong thinking all the time we should 3bet this hand? in case we call preflop, why dont c/r a so dry flop?
Plz, if im wrong, help me to get better my dementia! hehe, cause i dont understand another way to play this hand right now :S
Flop call is good, c/r doesn't rep too much, definitely too strong too fold etc. Also one nice thing about c/c on this flop is that it doesn't cap our range and we can still rep strong flop hands later.
Don't hate a c/r on this turn, if you c/r i think you should be barreling off on a lot of rivers and would fire this river. however the more i think about it the more I prefer a call. We still don't rep a ton with a c/r and villain should know we could float this flop pretty light. I think the beauty of a call is that he likely barrels off a ton on an Ace or a club, and still value bets clubs fairly light. Also we can call a lot of rivers with ace high, this one for example I'm calling, I don't know what his river bluffing frequency will be like, but he is barreling turn for sure with KJ, JT, KT, T8, J8. I definitely c/f K, J, T and 8 rivers if they are not a club. I probably c/f 9 and Q rivers as they should reduce his bluffing frequency.
My biggest concern about a call/call/call line here is that in actuality we are calling this river way too often and it is very exploitable. I don't think he is going to exploit it, but it is certainly worth a note.
vs opponents who DB any OC (very common these days) i would XR the turn. if this was my hand i would get called by 5c6c and lose :)
How do people feel about check shoving river now we are here? I feel like we have very few hands that aren't a pair of 9s or better at this point. We can rep 65 well IMO as well as 77 and other strong hands certainly aren't beyond possibility. It is going to be really rare that we have a hand with this little showdown value on the river, and we really won't have many hands that feel the need to bluff.
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