Basic live game strategy question
Posted by Eric Bickel
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Eric Bickel
posted in
Low Stakes
Basic live game strategy question
It's a simple 1/2 game but open raises are usually 10x. Typical hand is guy under the gun open raises to $20 with 5 8 of hearts. And you get 3 callers with any type of hand and if somebody has AJ or better they make it $75 to see a flop. That's pretty much every hand. To me this is an insane game. But whatever.
My question is wouldn't a tight style be beneficial over the long haul in this game? Isn't that just simple old school philosophy? I just don't feel comfortable calling 3 other players with K 5 of hearts or QJ off even in late position. Should I be calling those hands or raising to $75 like everybody else? If I get no reasonably decent hands I tend to just get run over. Should I be more aggressive in early position with much weaker hands to get in the mix? Or stick with the tried and true TAG style? I apologize for the basic question but I'm frustrated. Thanks.
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Of course I have to assume the game gets really deep really quickly. When that's the case, their post-flop tendencies are going to dictate just how loose you want to play with them pre-flop. Obviously, the worse the are post-flop, the wider you can splash around pre-flop.
I've played in games like these before and played both roles - sometimes the guy playing any two and sometimes playing tight and actually trying to win. I think the key is to not get frustrated.
EB - I'll play in these game! Let me know next time it goes down. Maybe I can end up playing $10/$20 HU with Ram.
You will still be playing better than they are and you want to be loose enough to get invited back. Nitting up is just not getting into the spirit of it. If I was playing like them and one guy was short-stacking or waiting for premium spots, I wouldn't want them at the table.
It's a recreational game, you can't treat it as just a cash cow. That doesn't mean you can't be +ev in there either. Sounds like a lot of fun, if you are rolled for it. You can play like Viffer and not even be the craziest guy at the table!
You didn't say how they were playing post flop. Does the action freeze up a lot, or are people getting the money in with draws and non top pair hands?
I think the best way to beat that kind of game is to set a limit when to go off table. If your goal is to get 3XBuy in, when you get it, sit out, or play small preflop when nobody raise.
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