Bankroll challenge $100-$10k from a high stakes player (14 years exp.) giving free coaching
Posted by erict87
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Bankroll challenge $100-$10k from a high stakes player (14 years exp.) giving free coaching
Mainly because RIO has given me a lot of value. I would like to give value to other people as well. In the end poker feels like a selfish pursuit (it is) and I would like to make someones journey easier. Feel free to check out my twitch channel
Why am I doing this? No other reason than to help other people out and motivate me to finish a $100-$10k challenge.
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15 years experience. Started playing online poker when I was 16 years old and I'm 31 now. Never held another job. Streaming schedule will be set in my channel. Let's go!
I’ll be watching you.
Followed you.
Cool, great stuff. Following as well. GLGL
Really enjoyed the stream. Hope you will take the challenge to the end!
Just dont let the trolls get to you.
Good Luck.
Hey man! Thanks a lot and great advice/feedback. I think I have some pretty thick skin (or so I've been told) but my girlfriend had me out for drinks that night so might have got annoyed at the end. Bad idea to stream/play while drinking - lesson learned.
Twitch ended up muting my entire stream VOD (I'm guessing because of the music copyright but could have been the occasional swearing). I'm going to see what I can do to fix this. Took it down since you couldn't hear anything.
Down 4.5 BI last session (standard) but still overall up on the challenge 5.5 BI. Having no HUD wasn't too big of an issue but trying to get it working for 30m was, lost a lot of focus.
Ran into a few stream snipers so I put on about 3 minutes of delay (can't believe I streamed without it).
About to stream in 10 mins or so. Thanks for the feedback guys.
how long do you expect to finish your challenge?
Hey man! I have no idea. It's going to be a long road so I'm going to be taking a fairly balanced approach to it (not going to stream all day, every day). I just did a session but ran into some variance towards the end so about break even on session #3. I expect things to pick up once I'm out of the trenches (NL100 perhaps). The rake at 10NL is massive so I'm looking to take aggressive shots + keep around 15 buyins for the current level + move down if I lose half, god forbid. Thanks for stopping by..
I´m in. Gl
Current Bankroll: $143 (+4.3 buyins, 3 sessions total)
I really support your idea and will be watching in a free time. Couldn't find your schedule though. Could you inform us which what time are you usually streaming? GL
Cool man! Right now my schedule is indeed all over the place, I'll be trying to clean it up this week and set aside certain stream times. For now it's a little random but that should change soon. Trying my best to keep up the twitch videos so you can re-watch them but unfortunately twitch is muting most of my audio (probably because the music has copyright claims). Going to see if I can find some ways around that this week.
Good luck bro!!
Thanks man! Super busy irl so hopefully I get enough time to carry this out + full time school. Things are hectic so getting a reliable stream schedule will be the real challenge for me. Hope things are going well for you :D
Hit you up on skype bro, not on there that much!!! Thinking about getting back into poker scene, right now I just donate to the regs :P Glad things are going well for you! Will try to tune in next stream !!
Nice idea, good luck!
Hey Eric, great streams so far. I was sad to notice that you took down the videos on your twitch channel as I wanted to rewatch them for study/improving.
Whhyyyyy did you do this? :D
Hey man! Twitch manually takes them down if they have copyright policies against the music I'm playing :) I've had them not take them down once and during that time the entire sound was muted the whole way through. I think I've fixed this now. Hopefully I can keep them up in the future, I realize this is a re-occuring problem as my entire sound is muted the whole way through when they do stay up.
I appreciate the kind words!
Streaming now. Very inconsistent streaming times while school is still happening...for those of you around :)
Streaming now. Putting up a schedule this week now that school is done (skipping summer classes, I'm a degen). Doing the challenge on Bovie. Plan is to be somewhere between $100-$300 USD and climb to the top. I've already done this when bovada was first getting good. Cheers!
Low stakes results
amazing graph, I will be watching you on twitch while you continue with the challenge.
As always, great streams! Best twitch stream i´ve ever watched. Keep up the good play and explanations :) Thank you for doing this, I appreciate you alot.
Thanks guys. That definitely makes me feel good that people are getting something out of the stream.
Streaming now.
What's current br?
~$1k. I won't be streaming much in the near future because of RL obligations (back to school + playing main games). I think the twitch only peaked around 30 viewers so I wasn't getting anything out of it.
I left the results up on the stream. I might resume the challenge (if you want to call it that haha) at a later date.
I appreciate anyone who tuned in and hope everyone got something out of it while it did run.
Are you still streaming erict87 ?
I must follow you on twitch so I don't miss your streamings...
Replied above ^
Thank you for doing this. I def. learned a ton and it was a lot of fun to watch.
I am sorry to read that the challenge is on hold. I hope you wil be back soon!
GL at the tables and at school.
Many thanks for giving back to the community. I was fortunate enough to look at the first videos, and they are imho very instructional. Lots of appreciation and gratitude man.
Sadly all the videos are now offstream again. Hope that you will maybe repost them again.
So sad that I couldn't watch you live bc of timezone difference.
Good luck at classroom and the tables though
Hey guys. Thanks a lot for the awesome responses. I am on the last leg of the challenge at $6,300 playing NL200. Currently winning at 35BB/100, 29evBB/100 over 20k hands with a nice red-line on my graph (all 6-max). I will post those results up later today but they are on my stream (not updated). Twitch channel
There's a possibility that I release all of the videos since I have them all stored on my computer. The file sizes are massive so it would take some time.The VOD's should stay up now that I have figured out the DMCA copyright stuff with twitch muting the sound in every VOD. Basically, I have to play Twitch approved music.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of the kind words and the people who have watched. The stream has and always will be totally free. Donating and subscribing is optional for me taking the time to share all of this for you. Just an FYI I've made around $15 in donations so that's definitely not the purpose, haha. The purpose of the stream was purely to help people out and also I thought it would be a fun experiment to find out myself how hard it would be to grind through the ranks in 2018 on my 2 month+ poker "break" - not very if you work hard. Games are still good. I was taking a few months off poker so I figured why not do a bankroll challenge similar to Doug's but actually try to finish the entire thing out. I've been streaming very random times/hours over the past two months (took a month off during the challenge).
Also, the best way to catch the stream is to follow (free) so it texts your phone when I go live for those of you not as familiar with twitch. My streaming times are completely random based on when I get the free time to do it.
hey man, great results heheje. when is next streaming?
Now. New stream name was having problems with last. School started for me so very erratic stream schedule.
Boom! I'm back.
Great!!!! Would you mind posting a greater overview of your stats? that would be very helpful!
Could not find any videos on your twitch site. are you only doing live streams with no replay? Can you upolad older videos, so i could check your older challenge?
Does your HM2 HUD on bovada reset when a new player sits in? I experienced, that it would keep on collecting hands, although it wasn't the same player anymore.
*Huge update: Hey man! Sorry I've been super inconsistent with my streaming from the very start. I have a lot of things going on right now aside from poker but I'll try to stream when I can. I usually will pull it up on my stream but the VOD's I've left disabled as I've been temp banned a few times for playing copyrighted music (pretty lame). I had to make a new name because of this so until twitch fixes that I won't be posting VOD's.
I don't use the HEM2 Hud because I haven't figured out how to make it work with bovada card catcher and reviewing the transparent hole cards is like cheating basically. I'm surprised they have allowed people do to it for so long. I use drive hud and then convert the hands so I can see the hole cards the next day with Bovada Hand Converter > HEM2.
Been on a super poker burnout after 15-16 years of doing this online so I'm really looking forward to continuing my classes with computer programming to change it up so that's what I've been up to! The entire goal of the stream was to help people out because in the end poker feels to me like a selfish endeavor with one never truly achieving pure satisfaction/happiness from it. Every time I am able to use my skill set to help someone else I feel a lot better at the end of the day compared to taking someones money (or trying). This is just my own personal opinion, I know everyone is different and that's ok.
Good luck and thanks for watching!
<3 Miss you man!
Streamerssssssss. Time to finish this shit once and for all haha. $2k left.
Live action joevada baby...
Streamerrrrssss and bannngerrrz
Going live in 10-15. New stream link below.
Streamerssss and bangerrrzzzz FLEXIN
update :)
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