bad call shove bvb tptk?

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bad call shove bvb tptk?

anon tables, unkwn

1) why cant i raise his turn bet?
2) why cant i call his shove?


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conoval 8 years, 10 months ago

From experien min raise flop, 1bb bet turn and 3bet is the nuts, so clearly fold.

Also if he min bet 1bb flop, I am raise and then he again min bet turn I will just call or raise and fold, since is nuts line from fish.

flushiisback 8 years, 10 months ago

raising turn is fine when your plan is to fold to any 3bet on the turn since it obv means 2pair+ on this board texture ( which is exploitable by a good reg but not by a fish like this).

its also an option to just call the turn and take notes on river sizing to exploit the player later on. its just a tptk hand and when you win or loose small pots against this opponent with your marginal hands like this ( tptk has some showdown value but cant stand a 3 bet from the average fish on this board texture) and WIN big pots with your top2 pair+ hands your winrate will be exploding without risking too much with tptk.

you could also min 2 bet the turn and see what he does. maybe he interpretates a raise as strength and does not pay attention to the sizing so his 3 bet always means 2pair+. then you can easily fold and loose less BB's in that spot.

Gameflow idea: when you see fish calling with J2 in the BB i would increase my preflop sizing in the next orbits and tighten up when stealing, since he'll still call with weaker hands and you play bigger pots when youre a big favourite :)

Samu Patronen 8 years, 10 months ago

You can definitely raise the turn "bet". And probably just a fold versus a 3bet shove, the odds are poor, his line is strong and you're very fucked versus value.

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