Back to basics
Posted by SpexisUno
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Mid Stakes
Back to basics
I stoped playing poker about 6 years ago.
At the time , I was breaking even and paying bills via rakeback.
I took another path. I had a good job offer and moved to Africa where I've been living for the last 4 years
Last time I truer to log in and play I felt completely lost . Had no clue what was happening
I'm out of game .
So... where should I start ?
From zero
Thanks !
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You got to put in the hours if you want to make it
The game has changed but the fundamentals have not. If i were you I would review the fundamentals as a warm up and make sure I was solid there first. I just joined this site a week ago and I am very happy with the content! Just go through the videos and post questions here. Good luck!
If you want to start from the basics , imho, pokersnowie and ace poker drills would help re-learn the fundamentals
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