B v B TPTK vs small river X/R

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B v B TPTK vs small river X/R

Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players) BN: $16.51
SB: $26.69
BB: $21.84 (Hero)
UTG: $16.05
MP: $19.28
CO: $18.89
Preflop ($0.24) Hero is BB with A Q
4 folds, SB calls $0.08, Hero raises to $0.64, SB calls $0.48
Flop ($1.28) Q 4 2
SB checks, Hero bets $0.40, SB calls $0.40
Turn ($2.08) Q 4 2 9
SB checks, Hero bets $1.92, SB calls $1.92
River ($5.92) Q 4 2 9 8
SB checks, Hero bets $4.24, SB raises to $9.89, Hero folds
Final Pot SB wins $13.75
Rake is $0.65

Villain: 25,13, SB OR: 18, SB limp 43, SB limp-call 38, limp-reraise 0, FTCB OOP: F 56,T 43,R 80, River reraise vs CB OOP: 25 -2.200 hands

Preflop standard raise vs limp with top of our range.

Flop cbet for value, could go for bigger sizing on flop like this I guess...not sure what's better here whether it's betting bigg with polarized range or bet small with merged range as this flop is better four our range but not dry board.

Turn I'm gonna cbet with big sizing and polarized range here, betting for value with QT+ here with intention of barreling on the river very often.

River: I decided to cbet for value again, guess I should pick smaller sizing if I want to bet for value with hand as weak as AQ here. I think I can still get some more value here from villains possible QX but my cbet sizing just doesn't feel good here given the board and range of hands I'm targetting. I'm not too affraid of the runout as backdoor flush is not as scary as another diamond on the river.

What shall we do on this river? Would you continue with AQ without flush blockers or bet with sets+ here? What sizing should we pick, I think this sizing is not good because it also makes villains decision somewhat easy, he can fold a lot of his marginal hands and just call/reraise with his strong hands and add few bluffs of busted FD. I think something like 1/2 pot would be better here.

I decided to fold versus river X/R mainly because AQo is at the bottom of my range + villains sizing looks very strong when he use sizing close to minraise, from my experience this sizing is really value heavy.

I think that biggest mistake is that river cbet with hand this weak and especially with this big sizing. That reraise is just an aftermath of previously made mistake...


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