Axs in 3 betpot IP.... bluffing turn
Posted by esso.g
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Low Stakes
Axs in 3 betpot IP.... bluffing turn
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
UTG: $12.39
MP: $11.43
CO: $10.08
BN: $12.64 (Hero)
SB: $10.05
BB: $8.82
MP: $11.43
CO: $10.08
BN: $12.64 (Hero)
SB: $10.05
BB: $8.82
Hero is BN with
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villain is 27/23 over 71 hands / 100% fold to 3bet (3/3) / 3.5 agg factor / 38% att to steal
what do you think about my bluff on turn?
i think its a very good card to bluff since if hes calling cbet on flop with a pair/ 2 pair or tuned 2 pair or set its still hard to call right
he probably had the goods on this one but i still think my line is good whatever my hand is... am i right?
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What I answer to you in here,
could probably help you out once again in this hand, as I don't like the bluff that much, if he has fold 100% to 3bet and he now calls, what do you want to bluff? He must have a hand, and plus you have value I just don't know what you are trying to accomplish, if you think the ace isn't good enough vs him, do you really think he's folding better than you here? I sure don't like the bet turn, the card isn't good for you most of the times and you barrel away once more, and than after 4th club comes you get shoved...
I dislike the 3bet also, if he's folding that much, our A7 will be good vs the hands he doesn't fold to 3bet, so we only isolating here vs a strong range of our opponent.
x/f since turn, that would be my line and I don't mind the cbet flop since we hit, but after him calling I'm just not putting more money in that pot, 2 spewy
yeah i get your point very nice explanation thanks buddy.... but if the river is not a club i feel like he has a big part of his range that has Aof clubs and K of clubs that is folding like almost always when he checks river on a non club card and i shove... i have good FE when a non clubs hits...??? am i right?
I don't think you should be that aggro with a hand that has mediocre value, I do see some Ax/Kx of clubs in that river but vs the K we are winning and vs the ace of clubs he might call you out when blank comes, even though 3barrel here (which I think its the way you wanted to play it out) gets you to a very polarized range and remember, villain has blocker with Ace of clubs.
With better ace, and no club on river, I'd bet, but then again I wouldn't bet the turn. Like Samu already said, can't see us getting 3 streets of value in this hand, it's just to hard.
I would check either flop or turn. Flop check is fine since we really can't get 3 streets of value anyway and it's nice to have some Ax-hands in our checkback range. Once we bet the flop, turn check is mandatory imo, simply because turn improves a lot of hands and we don't really have much value anymore.
A7s seems a bit too weak to be 3-betting for value and too good to change into a bluff. Flatting seems better.
Flop seems like a check behind, mostly for pot control against his range (often loaded with stronger Ax).
If you do decide to bet flop, then chek behind turn. The few hands we were ahead off on the flop now have us beat.
River has to be a fold.
Flatting seems much better than 3-betting here and as said above we don't want to be turning it into a bluff. I think checking the turn here is best then folding out the river to his jam. He's almost always got the club draw when he calls then turn and jams like that
for example, if i would have check the turn and a 4clubs come on river and he checks... do you bet for value or you go with you SD vavlue by checking
if villain would be like 19/17 for exemple 100% fold to 3 bet... would it be a good hand to 3 bet bluff? or i should still call
I don't feel we should be inventing with a hand that is such straight-forward. Please acknowledge what hand you are playing, in this case an Ace Suited Not that great kicker, I'm mostly happy to flat here because ace might be good, and I'm sure when flush draw comes we not folding unless villain smash us pot size bets.
As so, the hand is really good for us to go see a flop, instead what you did was 3bet since hes 3bet folding so much, but heres a thing, you can't go with the 100% 3bet fold, you have that stat like that because YOU DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH HANDS with this villain.
I don't like the 3bet here since we can have value, why go bluff it? I don't like 3bet bluffing with such hands here, like I said when he folds, great, he folded a hand below yours, when he pays, you iso vs his strong range.
As if the 4 clubs come on river and he checks, I'm not EVER betting here for value, but might try make a bet for bluff to try fold him some hands which doesn't have a club and could be ahead of us. Be careful with call stations here, I wouldn't bluff that constantly but I think it's a good spot to bet if villain checks.
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