Awkward turn spot with top two on wet board
Posted by 2smart4u
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Mid Stakes
Awkward turn spot with top two on wet board
Hero playing live 1/2, just moved to new table, 9 handed. Started hand with 170
Utg raise to 8 (standard sizing in these games from all positions), folds to hero in bb with ako, decides to flat.
Ive been experimenting with flatting qq,kk, aa, ak, out of bb when i close action and i am guaranteed heads up. These opponenets over value there holdings like crazy, and results short term have been promising. Of course it is a 3bet alot of the time. Any thoughts?
Flop adkdqs, pot 17, i check, utg bets 10, i raise to 29. Probably could have made it 35-40. Ultra wet board, lots of worse hands he could peal with and i wanna push and get value from. He calls.
Turn, adkdqs6s, pot 70, i bet 45, should have bet closer to pot, mistake on my part. He jams, i have 90 left.
What do you do?
Obviously im super high in my range. I guess i could have 10j, but opponenet unlikely to perceive me as ever having aa,kk,qq here regardless of my previous strategy i was talking about.
Opponenet could have aa,kk,qq, which is 5 combos, he could have aq, which are 6 combos, he could have qjdd,q10dd 2 combos, and he could have a hand like ajss a10ss on the turn which are possible. Of course almost all 10j suited is possible which are another 4 combos, but i think its unlikely he doesnt repop me with 10j on the flop considering the texture of the board. Unless he has exclusively 10jdd which locks down the board so much,i dont think he has 10j often here.
So theres 6 combos that beat me, potentially 9 if you include another 3 10j suited combos, which i excluded. I chop with his ak hands. I beat 6 combos of aq, 2 combo draw combos, and some other potential holdings, which are another 2 ish combos. He could also be over valuing kq, i think its unlikely but not out of the question.
Im getting 3.7:1 on a call with 90 to win 340 pot.
I certainly beat some of his value combos that play this way, i lose to others as well.
Not sure if my analysis is correct, still learning. Id like some input if possible.
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Call. Pre mixing calling and 3bet vs UTG I think is fine
Thanks for the assurance. I had a couple rough sessions, but the variance has balanced out, and ive had 3 wins in a row for a little over 1100. good decisions are finally starting to pay off against these massive fish.
You want to fold? Serious, you know you have to call. He will unlikely put you on AK. Do mix calling and raising up.
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