Awkward SPR 3bet pot 3 ways. 100nl.
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
Awkward SPR 3bet pot 3 ways. 100nl.
MP: $100 (100 bb)
CO: $75.50 (75.5 bb)
BTN: $111.06 (111.1 bb)
Hero (SB): $100 (100 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Ac Jc
MP folds, CO raises to $3, BTN calls $3, Hero raises to $13, BB folds, CO calls $10, BTN calls $10
Flop: ($40) Tc 4h 3d (3 players)
Hero ??
So it was early for me at this table. CO seemed loosish, btn tightish. CO has only 62$ behind now. Even if I bet 1/2 pot I m committed to call vs a shove from him. Not really a situation I m pumped about. This is a board I d check/ fold a reasonable amount given theres 2 of them so what I m thinking is check this hand, see how villains proceed and jam against CO if he bets. Not sure what to do if BTN bets though and vs a 1/2 pot bet from CO we need ~30% FE to make it B/E.
How would you proceed here? Bet and sigh if shoved on? Or try to get more infos from BTNs range before committing to the pot by checking?
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When called we still have outs and a backdoor nut draw also so we can barrel off or check it through depending on players.
We also don't have alot of fold equity if we x/r here vs CO, given his stack..So we might catch him /w KQ but also he can have AQ or random pair..I would be more happy to have AK here :)
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