Awkward river SPR TPTK 3 bet pot. 100nl
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
Awkward river SPR TPTK 3 bet pot. 100nl

CO is a 25/20 decent reg raising 27% so far from CO. Folds to 3 bet IP 33%. BTN is likely a rec player. running 30/21 over the last 35 hands. I should have bet 32$ then its probably easy all in OTR. Now that I ve made this error whats the best sizing OTR? Shoving seems dubious as we probably can t rep enough bluffs. How about underbetting like 40$? If so what to do vs a raise?
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vs a raise from reg i would shove , i epxct him to bet flop bettr hands than us
vs a raise from recreationnal i would fold without info ,of him being very agro, puting him on 7, dont expect a recreationnal to raise ip worse than TPTK deep
We have to consider though that it´s not that unlikely that CO slowplayed a monster on the flop. Would´ve you expected him to stab the flop with naked overs (Ax) 3-way?
But at the end, if we bet/call anyways the result of b/c and x/r is the same - with the difference that we get all against worse hands, what betting won´t accomplish.
I bet 40$ he shoved, I swore and wished i had played the turn better. I think due to history with this villain its a fold but I donked it up and called. He showed 88.
preflop he has to add 11 to win a stack of 120 thats 10:1, he s ip to it looks a good spot to setmine if youre not a crazy squeezer
so maybe you should suqeez bigger here
that totally change my opinion i would bet fold river and not tryning to stak off turn so finally like your turn betsize, i want to pot control TPTK 160 deep vs a decent reg
we cant prevent but 160deep i definitely thinks we should suqeez bigger with our whole range
i agree postflop pb is more important
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