Are we supposed to 5bet bluff jam
Posted by FlaXmarZ
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High Stakes
Are we supposed to 5bet bluff jam
Is 5bet bluffing apart of a good strategy? Talking 100bb NLHE
We face a 4bet, shall we ever 5bet bluff jam? My concern is yes, we should. But how often?
When i watch very good regs at higher stakes, i se it happens time to time.. Generally Axs is used wich makes alot of sense.
But at my stake, it dosent happen, or atleast at a ridiculous low frequency. So we can say it dosent happen.
What's the right adaption?
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It should be as part of the preflop strategy because it helps to not overfold vs 4bets. So you can 3bet more hands while not overfolding vs 4bets.
When villains don't 4bet bluff you can exploitably start not 5bet bluffing
Theoretically, the answer is yes - Your 5bet jam range should be balanced with an appropriate number of value and bluff jams.
In practice, whether a bluff is profitable or not depends on how frequently Villain will fold. How often do live players who 4bet fold to a 5bet jam?
To unpack this, we have to know how frequently Villains 4bet for value vs 4bet bluff, and how often they fold their bluffs. I don't have any experience playing live high stakes, but just from what I've seen online... I don't see a lot of folding pre-flop. When egos are involved, they will often flat their 4-bet bluffs (like suited connectors) and try to connect with the flop.
So... If 5-bet bluff jams are unlikely to work (Because Villains 4-bet range is skewed to value and they are still likely to call with some of their bluffs)... In practice, they might not be profitable.
I never understood this- why at any point bluff all of your chips? Would Chip Reese encourage this? I understand 4 bet bluffs but why ever bluff off all of your chips against a previous bet that most of the time contains a big holding?
there is not really such thing as a 'bluff jam' pre-flop. you can be jamming with a weaker hand than usual but it is not really a bluff because it has some kind of decent equity vs the calling range. say around 30%.
i'd say that it is not a very good play, really. unless the guy is a 4 betting maniac and STILL HAS TO BE FOLDING TO 5 BET JAMS, then our hands such as A4s are -EV by a lot when 5 bet jamming. because lets say some guy 4 bets a ton, he might just be expanding his 4 bet/call range such that he is now doing so with hands such as 88 and 99. so we might look at his stat and think his 4 bet is too high, this A4s is a good jam. but it isn't, because he is still only folding 20% of the time to a 5 bet because he has just expanded his stacking off range by 4 bet/calling hands that would usually just flat the 3 bet.
and also, A4s/A5s seem like decent hands to 5 bet jam, but in reality most of the guys 4 bets are gonna come from Axs hands, so we actually block them and unblock all of his big pairs. so unless the guy is mixing his strategy, 4 betting some % of KQo, QTs etc type hands then these jams are now, in fact, terrible jams. vs someone who 4 bets mainly just Ax hands then it is much better to 5 bet jam a hand like 77/88/99. as we unblock all of his 4 bet folds and are still flipping vs AK/AQ.
You can do math yourself(haha^^) and formula is going around in internet or some books. So villain start 4betting too much? That doesn't mean anything. Can't just rip it in with 22 or A4s and expect to make money in long run.
We shove A5s because it has good equity vs calling range (around 30-31%) and we have fold equity. Without fold equity you will be losing ton of money by jamming it. As well as having decent fold equity we will make money basically shoving any high cards AJo, KQo. That ''decent equity'' also depends on our stack size, villain 4bet size and rake. Opponent should fold vs 5bet moreee than 50%
yeah but the math isn't applicable to every single player. everyone 4 bets different hands and at different frequencies, from different positions. so it is completely wrong to just say that A5s or whatever should be a jam x% of the time based upon a formula which has a ton of variables and is in no way accurate for 99% of players.
this isn't true, if villain folds a high enough % of the time then we can indeed jam any two cards from our 3 betting range. this is, of course, extremely unlikely but still possible.
I don't see any regs ever 5 bet jamming AJo or KQo, many do not even 3 bet these hands. these hands would be the first hands I would be folding to a 4 bet otherwise id probably be folding almost 0% to 4 bets. vs TT+AK KQo has 28% equity and AJo also has just 28% equity. you would probably need your opponent to fold much more than 50% to warrant jamming these hands pre, given the fact we are losing so much when called.
anyway you have to start with math to see how it will go. It give us you good idea how ranges and fold equity affect everything.
I jammed few times AJo but more like exploit play vs weird reg (talking about late positions).
And lastly I was just finishing with (can't rip it in any 2 cards) vs guys who 4bet a lot.
You should understand when you should have a 3b/5b jamming range so that you can 5b jam when the situation calls for it. If you constrain yourself and say, "i'm never 5-bet jamming" or "i'm always 5-bet jamming A5s/A4s on top of my value range" then you will be burning money in a lot of spots. A GTO strategy will likely always 5-bet jam a # of combos on top of value range, but in practice, it's better to approach it based on player tendencies, or, if you're playing an unknown, based on population tendencies for the game/stake you're playing. At lower stakes, you can probably get away with 5-bet jamming less as a bluff in general (though it's not ideal still as there are opportunities to 5bet bluff jam vs certain players even at lower stakes), but as you move higher in stakes, good players will be able to play vs you very easily if you have a value only 5-bet range. Your fold to 4-bet will be very high or your 3-bet % will be very low, both of which, makes your opponent's lives easier.
very good answer.
some regs at 500z 3 bet around 20% from the blinds vs the btn, this is clearly far too wide and if they were to only stack off with TT+AK then they would clearly be way over-folding vs 4 bets. and would be much more susceptible to cold 4 bets from the bb.
however, you don't only need to defend vs 4 bets by jamming. personally, I much prefer to flat a 4 bet than jam in an additional 90 bigs praying that he folds. if you have an edge post-flop, you will increase your EV. and you will also lower variance that inevitably comes when you ship in A5s and are hoping he snap folds.
but of course 20% 3 betting can be good if villains are over-folding vs 3 bets, if you're not getting cold 4 bet enough, if you have an edge post-flop.
I find that people struggle to find enough 4 bets on the button vs the blinds, because any hand that they are tempted to 4 bet is most likely good enough to call. for example, A2s. it's a good hand to 4 bet bluff but you are in position, vs a very wide range and thus it becomes tempting to just call. even KQo, it's probably around flipping in equity vs a 20% 3 bet range, so why waste our positional advantage by turning such a hand in to a 4 bet bluff.
I feel like people are much better at 4 bet bluffing OOP, for example co vs btn. now a hand like QTs/Q9s or A4s is much less appealing as a flat. and anytime you play OOP in a 3 bet pot the IP player is gonna print a ton of EV, by having position and the much stronger range.
the way that people are sizing their 3 bets, they are 3 betting far too much from the blinds just now. if you look at snowie, it will maybe 3 bet around 20% vs the btn from the sb but that is for pot sizing. most players just now are 3 betting around 1.5x pot+. and should, in theory, be flatting much more of these 3 betting hands as now they are -EV 3 bets because our sizing is too large. but the way that humans play doesn't exploit this 3 betting range that is too wide, because we like to flat decent hands in position and not 4 bet them at a mixed frequency.
very few players nowadays actually 5 bet jam A5s, I kinda think it is a poor play the way that regs construct their 4 betting ranges. but Snowie/PIO like to do it at some sort of frequency. but we aren't playing vs bots (hopefully) so imo it's losing a ton of money to 3 bet 5 bet jam these kinda hands.
I've kinda gone off on complete tangents but I hope that some of these points are helpful to the OP.
The 20% 3bet range is linear in most cases. That means it includes a lot of low/mid pairs and A5s type hands that can 5b jam vs the right opponent (I'm mostly talking about a BTN that is trying to punish a wide 3b range by 4betting a ton). I don't know how profitable it'd be flatting a 4bet with A5s or 55. In my opinion, those hands make better 5-bets (assuming BTN is out of line 4-betting and is folding to a lot of 5-bets). I'd rather flat the 4-bet with hands like AQ/KQs etc. But A5s is a bit weak and will be tough to combat a 25%-33% range c-bet.
Also, it shouldn't be too hard to find 4-bet bluffs on the BTN. Hands like Ax offsuit, KJo etc. are not super enticing flats but make good candidates for a 4-bet.
As far as size of 3bet, it just means it has to work more often than if we just potted it. It of course will work more often also as most players will naturally defend less vs a larger size than vs a smaller size. With that said, I'm not super confident which sizing is better vs a bot. Vs a GTO opponent I'd guess it probably doesn't make much of a difference one way or the other. I prefer 3-betting larger myself (2.5 --> 10x, 3x --> 11x) though I see players making it much larger (to which I respond by defending a bit tighter).
yeah agreed. i'd never be flatting A5s or 55 vs a 4 bet from the sb. mainly hands such as AQs-ATs, T9s, 76s etc and some traps such as AA/KK. but I think that these hands such as the lower Axs and smaller pocket pairs should be heavily mixed pre-flop and that 3 betting them 100% of the time is pretty exploitable. now i'll just 4 bet call you with 88 and let you punt in A5s or 5s.
and, as I said, a smart, aware bb will expand his cold 4 betting range if you are 3 betting 20% of the time vs the btn from the sb. so 5 bet jamming these hands vs a cold 4 bet is even more suicidal (his range is much tighter than the openers, and he has only 1 bb invested) and now you are probably folding much more than 50% of the time vs 4 bets.
A5s and 55 instead of occasional 5 bet bluff jams, now have to be pure folds. as well as a ton of hands like AJo, KQo etc.
yeah true, but these hands don't play that great in 4 bet pots vs tight flatting ranges. A5o vs a flatting range that is mainly big suited broadways, big suited aces (which dominate us) and some low suited connectors that are just looking to hit a random pair or FD to x jam on us. and when we hit top pair with A5o or KJo it is not exactly disguised as most of our 4 betting range revolves around Ax and Kx.
so yeah, I guess it's easy to come up with 4 bet bluffs on the button, but it's not as easy to come up with ones that have some sort of post-flop playability in 4 bet pots. where as the sb flatting range consists of hands that are EXTREMELY playable and want to see a flop.
yeah it has to work more often, which means that we cannot 3 bet the exact same range for 2x pot than we can for 1x pot. say we 3 bet 20% for 2x pot from the sb vs the btn, now we have just given both the bb and the button a sick price to just jam in 66 and print a ton of money as we are folding like 75% of the time to jams. and there is just so much money in the middle, that they will now be incentivised to do so. and if you start 3 betting 2x pot, probably the bottom half of your 3 betting range is now gonna be -EV vs a decent player who realised that his AQo is now the nuts here as a jam instead of a flat.
Agree with this from a theoretical stance. From a practical sense, playing 3-bet or fold does have its advantages though, mainly in simplifying the game tree for you.
It's only suicidal if he's not out of line, in which case, it would be very spewy to jam A5s/55. I think that'd be pretty bad to do in practice vs an unknown.
My 3-bet from the SB will also display around 20% from SB v BTN to anyone whose isolating this stat. However, that's not a static 20% and will range from 15-25% depending on the BTN's tendencies as well as how cold-4bet happy BB is. Vs a BB that is cold 4-betting out of line, I'll simply expand my 5-bet range, but not polarize it such that A5s or 55 is a 5bet jam (I'd be folding those in most cases unless BB is super out of line and I think I have a ton of FE). I'll just start jamming with AQs/TT etc. You can argue that those make better calls, but I don't think calling OOP vs the cold 4-bet with a hand that looks like what you're repping is that great.
Also, the BTN will also be helping you defend vs BB's cold 4-bets so you don't need to meet the MDF by yourself. Plus, because of how expensive it is to cold 4-bet, his play needs to work a lot more often and that translates to SB and BTN not having to defend as much.
That's the right adjustment in some situations, but that doesn't make the A5s or 55 jam necessarily bad. If we have the right balance with FE and equity vs your 4b/calling range with A5s, then it's still a correct jam. Not to mention, the value portions of my range are now making more money than they would have otherwise because I get to get it in with TT vs 88 etc.
They don't have great playability, but that's the reason why we are considering them in the 4bet or fold region vs the call 3-bet region. They have good blocker properties and mainly we are looking for preflop FE. If a player with a nitty 3-bet % 3bets me, I'm folding these hands (and I'm probably over folding which is theoretically exploitable). If a player with a 60% fold to 4-bet, 20% call 4bet and 20% 5bet 3bets me, and there's no dynamic that would make me think he'll be playing differently against me, then I'm happy 4-betting Axo since we're essentially free rolling the flop. We have 2 cards (equity), position, and initiative. We also can fire cheap 25-33% c-bets that need to work very infrequently to profit on favorable board textures.
True. But going back to my previous point, it's okay that our bluffs will have poor playability. They're mostly banking on preflop FE and they don't need to make up a ton of EV when they see a flop, but because we will still have initiative and a 25-33% cbet is still quite effective when we miss/we can hit a hand from time to time, it can be a better option than folding preflop (and we can't call the 3-bet since the hand has poor playability and we wont have initiative/FE by calling.)
At 100bb, if BTN opens to 2.5x and SB 3bet to 10x, BB won't be able to jam 66 and print money. Of course if you're 3-betting 2.5x to 20x with a 20% range, that's a different story. But the BB will be forced to either CC 3bets or Cold 4-bet as a defense against the wide SB 3-bet vs BTN strategy vs most large but reasonable sized 3-bets.
nice reply man. pretty much agree with everything you said there. maybe 1 or 2 things not completely but I can't be bothered writing another big post hahah.
lol no worries. Enjoyed the discussion.
there will be no round 3, my corner threw in the towel! hahah
but in all seriousness it was a very good discussion, probably the best one I've had in any comments section tbh.
lmao..that literally made me lol
hahah I couldn't resist such an opportunity :P
in theory u should be bluff5bet jamming, since opponent should be 4betting a little bit more than value4betting since also the bluffs have equity in the pot. so in theory u should do 5bet bluffing, but in reality its very often not profitable, bc most of the people are not 4betting often enough as a bluff. so in reality its basically completely player dependent, and u should be very careful with this since the overall playerpool doesnt 4betbluff enough.
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