Are live NL games easier than online PLO?
Posted by KingBali8
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High Stakes
Are live NL games easier than online PLO?
Currently, I'm a mid winning PLO player. I want to make a significant amount of money this year, though. Several hundred thousand and up. I play in relatively soft games online, and I still find it's still not easy - you have to grind. Especially in OMaha, you rarely get someone to call you with almost NOTHING on the river (like an equivalent in NL would be, someone calling your 3rd barrel with bottom pair, which used to happen online back in the mid 2000's all the time!).
I want to play players with as few brain cells as possible! (If you don't think that's funny, you need to lighten up!)
So, What say you? Are the live games just THAT much better than online? I'm tired of grinding! I want stack offs with 80% equity. haha :D Whereas in PLO, a GREAT stack off is pretty much 70/30, that's a fact. A good stack off is 60/40 - yuck! Holdem is way different, back in the day, with people calling you with very bad holdings. I wonder if live today is still very bad on most days?
And I know this post probably sounds like I'm a loser reg, but I've been playing strictly online for 6 years, and made several hundred thousand playing very few hands relatively speaking. Just through great game selection.
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Depending on where you play, live low stakes NL can be ridiculously soft and most villains will make a ton of mistakes. If you want to make hundreds of thousands, you'd have to play high stakes tho, which can be very tough I assume (I never played higher than 2/5).
I mean to make 6 figures you need to play at least 5/T live and there's not a ton ton of places where that's possible and many of the games are so so. I doubt it's going to be any easier trying to grind live NL full time. If you live somewhere you can play live NL and PLO when its juicy and online otherwise maybe thats the best move.
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