AQs oop in 3bet pot! 10nl!
Posted by maco
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Low Stakes
AQs oop in 3bet pot! 10nl! villain plays 23/19 with 8 3bet in btn v co, cbet flop in 3bet pot 55, 40 on turn and river 55. agg f t r 40/38/29, wtsd 24, w$sd 61. I think that the flop call is standard against that size and with the strong backdoors that we have, turn is also standard in my opinion, he can have some draws that he double barrels here. My question comes on the river. How would you play it call or shove?? I think that he has some weaker hands to call, something like A3/A2/AJ/QJ/AK.
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Hello maco,
I can see him mostly playing this with A4s,A5s,QJ,AK and not really any better then you have(maybe some random KT? a few times), so the main question is he CS enough to call the AI and without reads i think the answer is yes / but you know the pool. So i shove the river!
You didn't mention how many hands you have from villain, cause with those stats to have 61w$sd...:) i don't think you got too many there.
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