AQs in the small blind against a very tight player's opening range
Posted by MattS
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Low Stakes
AQs in the small blind against a very tight player's opening range
Blinds: $0.15/$0.30 (5 Players)
UTG: $32.05
CO: $11.20
BN: $31.05
SB: $30.97 (Hero)
BB: $40.28
CO: $11.20
BN: $31.05
SB: $30.97 (Hero)
BB: $40.28
UTG 16/3 AF is 1.2 over 300 hands. RFI looks about 7%. I have seen him induce bluffs and trap before. He has folded to a reraise preflop the only time he was challenged, so I don't have a 4bet range
BB is 41/6 AF 1.9, 0% 3bets over 140 hands. Fold to flop cbet 70%
BB is 41/6 AF 1.9, 0% 3bets over 140 hands. Fold to flop cbet 70%
Hero is SB with
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I think the best decision is to call and bring in the fun player. Reraise and fold are not that far behind.
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Some thoughts
(1) Knowing his bet sizing after the fact, what about a flop lead?
(2) On the flop do I have fold equity against the parts of his range I can beat? Probably not, so a check raise seems silly except for balance and I'm not sure this is a dynamic that needs balance.
(3) The turn seems like a nice spot to spike the two of diamonds. Other than that there's nothing good to say about it.
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can't really answer as I'm not confident about anything but here are my thoughts:
Flop lead might be discouraged by the BB being there, not sure whatsoever tho
Argument for check raise might be that we are not doing that bad vs this overpairs to the board and if he has a low rfi and folded only time he got raised he might even fold a few of them. Don't know if the possibility of him having KJ KT and JT of diamonds is good or bad for this to be fair :p
That turn sucks yeah, even more when the board is already paired. Think we're trowing away money calling there against that line from that guy with anything non nutted OOP
1) Leading small if we already know that villain tends to bet big is a good idea. However, I expect a lot of raises from this kind of player but who knows, he might call and let us buy our equity with our betsize. Gotta try it.
2) Raising would be a terrible idea. You made it clear that he is very nitty. Not much you could get to fold, maybe AK and who knows if he even raises AK preflop or if he would cbet, or if he would cbet this big. All together: Not a lot of AK there.
3) I believe you were sure about this one but yeah, obv we have to fold on the turn.
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