AQs flop question 3bet pot NL10
Posted by Alex Geiger
Posted by Alex Geiger posted in Low Stakes
AQs flop question 3bet pot NL10
Villain: 18/18 (11 hands)
I'm not sure about the preflop move. If I get reraised, what should I do? 3bet/fold, or 3bet/get it in? I don't know anything about his tendecies, so stacking off pre for ~40BB is a bit loose Imho.
Flop: Interesting flop (and one of my biggest leaks is how to play in 3bet pot with a shortstacker in given texture...). I gave him a calling range seems { KTs, KJ-KQ, JQ, JQs, AT-AQ, 88-TT, T9s, QTs, some club draws}. On the other hand the fact He's short stacker allows him to broke with 2ndpair, or 3rd pair+draw/backdoor draw type hands. If I bet the flop, I expect him to shove his all | top pair - draw - pair+draw | type hands. Maybe 2nd and 3rd pairs just calling and hoping to get showdown for free. All in all I don't expect any fold equity in this case.
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 72,270 games 0.001 secs 72,270,000 games/secBoard: Kc Jc 8sDead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 41.521% 37.06% 04.46% 26784 3223.50 { AsQs }Hand 1: 58.479% 54.02% 04.46% 39039 3223.50 { TT, 88, AJs-ATs, KTs+, QTs+, T9s, AQo-ATo, KJo+, QJo }
If I bet 1.2$ cbet and He shoves I get 21% pot odds.
Any idea or thread guys?
Thank You!
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