Posted by mbaha10
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Low Stakes
vs aggro bad reg, 6K hands, 23/19, 3b 8, f3b 38, bt rfi 47, f3b otb 43, fcbet 39 54 64, fcbet in 3b pot 28, high 4bettor
not sure if I coulda played this any differently...any thoughts, suggestions?
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Seems fine. Villain has so many nut combos with the straights, 88 and KQ that even if he shoves all his FDs without a pair, we don't have enough equity to call river.
What about XF turn ?
Against this particular Villain, our 3B range should be very condensed and strong from PRE (only TT+, AJ+, KQ to exploit his tendancy to overcall PRE vs 3B and FLOP vs CB).
From there I assume AQo looks like the top of our XF range here.
Moreover, if our opponent as much aggro as you said, we'll face a very tough spot river on many cards.
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