AQ vs fish
Posted by Cozacu
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Low Stakes
AQ vs fish
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
UTG: $10.00
MP: $11.31
CO: $10.00
BN: $12.01
SB: $10.00 (Hero)
BB: $38.37
MP: $11.31
CO: $10.00
BN: $12.01
SB: $10.00 (Hero)
BB: $38.37
Villain 33/20 over 94 hands wtsd 28%
BB 39/26 station
BB 39/26 station
Hero is SB with
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Given positions I think just calling is fine.
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I think I could have raised here for value, would you prefer a raise to a call here? Why?
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Board is getting very drawy and fish will call with a draw or worst Qx, sometimes even Jx.
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KT got there and a bunch of draws missed, I don't want to bet it because it would kinda commit us, I also want to give him the opportunity to bluff with his missed FD, so I decide to check, with intention to check/call.
Final Pot
wins and shows a full house, Queens full of Threes.
UTG wins $11.13
Rake is $0.52
UTG wins $11.13
Rake is $0.52
Where was this miss-played?
As played would check/call river?
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I dont like the turn lead after check calling the flop and then the river check. Either you valuebet and bet turn AND river or you trap, hopeing he bluffs or valuebets a weaker holding and check/ call turn AND river. You cannot do both in one hand.
Why not? Playing the way I did it could be seen as a bluff that I gave up on, and he might bet a worst hand thinking that he is actually value betting... or bluff simply because he might have a weaker holding than A high and thinks that I completely gave up the hand.
I like the turn lead, especially since its mulitway. I think I would fire again OTR, you lead because our range is strong, so we can contine to bet the river. I know you said about missed draws, but there are two fish in here that can call with worse Qx, Jx, but would otherwise check back
Well if we bet and get shoved on we`ll find our-self in a nasty spot. On the river we are only HU, the pot is quite large and I'm not that sure he is going to even call Jx... but he could shove that hand trying to bluff.
KT got there, a bunch of FDs missed.
... I don't know which play has the higher EV but I`m reluctant to bet river when pot is so large simply because it would just be horrible if he shoves (and we don't really know how much of his shoving range is a bluff, and how much is just pure value).
I think we can make an exploitative fold if he shoves. It sucks, I know, but he always has the nuts with that line. I think I would bet smaller OTR, less than 1/2 pot, so we get crying calls from whatever and is more palatable to fold when jammed on.
Hm... isn't "he always has the nuts with that line." a too strong kind of assumption? :)
Cozacu: the river isn't so wet that he should be bluff shipping it facing a river bet from you. I think it does have to be buried, but it is gross.
I would x/c the turn. As played I would bet/fold around 1/2 pot.
Could you please tell why would you x/call that board mutliway and why you prefer it to leading?
Because UTG has the initiative and has an uncapped range. He also could still raise you and put you in a tough spot.
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