AQ TP in 3bet pot.. 3 barrels?
Posted by MezZo
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AQ TP in 3bet pot.. 3 barrels?
BN: $2.76
SB: $10.63 (Hero)
BB: $4.65
UTG: $5.18
HJ: $8.40
CO: $5
SB: $10.63 (Hero)
BB: $4.65
UTG: $5.18
HJ: $8.40
CO: $5
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ raises to $0.15, CO folds, BN calls $0.15, Hero raises to $0.50, BB folds, HJ calls $0.35, BN folds
UTG folds, HJ raises to $0.15, CO folds, BN calls $0.15, Hero raises to $0.50, BB folds, HJ calls $0.35, BN folds
(2 Players)
Hero bets $0.70,
HJ calls $0.70
(2 Players)
Hero bets $1.60,
HJ calls $1.60
(2 Players)
Hero bets $3,
HJ raises to $5.60, and is all in,
Hero folds
Final Pot
wins $11.31
no real reads on villain.. only 17/13 over 25 hands..
is it overall good to 3 barrel here..? as I played this hand I thaught I played it terrible.. but now after the session.. can I do anything here?
I mean we got TPTK in a 3bet pot.. so we bet right? but we are nearly beat against any hand in his range..? And I hate c/calling in this spot.. and c/fold is to weak imo......
maybe bet flop/turn and c/call river?
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You have less than a psb on the river. I'd just shove here. Checking with the intention of calling is marginal at best, because most players at this level don't bluff that often and villain isn't likely to bet a Jx hand, and may even check back a weak Q. I'd rather shove for value and let villain hero call us with his showdown hands that would check behind if we check. Also it's likely that villain folds 22 preflop, and gets it in with JJ+, so the only hands I'd be worried about having is QJ and maybe Ad4d. Way more combos of KQ, QT, AJ, KJ, JT, etc.
Bet bet bet, setting up for a river shove.
I've seen some ludicrous missed flush draws bluffing in this very spot. I know what you thinking, you have taken a bet bet bet line and now he shoves (strong) - but really you should never be faced with a shove here to begin with. If he has better then so be it.
The board runs out well for you. The only other consideration would be checking if you think he is very non showdown (no pair) missed draw heavy. in which case you can check/call.
DAZ,SCS you know this is 210deep?i think on this limit it is ok,but on nl20+ i dont think TPTK win many time in 450bb pot :)
oh sry it isnt 210deep(i think game is 0,02/0,04 ) but still this is 160deep
is it 0.05/0.02? I filtered my HEM for hands where i played TPTK bet bet bet and usually i have the player all in before the river (not deep enough) or they fold to the river bet.
If you betting the river i don't see how any other bet size makes sense though.
If you not willing to play the hand for bet bet bet, then maybe shouldn't be 3betting in the first place, OOP bloating the pot.
well I was kinda scared because we are so deep.. that was my problem.. with 100BB.. its normal for me to stack him off..
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