Appropriate sample for stat review

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Appropriate sample for stat review

Hey guys, what do you think is the minimum hand sample that can show most obvious leaks that player can have? I recently bought RIO sub and wanted to check on what aspects I should focus my learning process. I think that shoving my statistics would be good to underline all the leaks I have. I have recently moved from non-tracker supported room to the pokerstars and my hand sample is under 10k hands but I think I can already see some leaks. Also would like to ask if anyone could be kind enough to check my stats (given having good sample ofc). Thanks :)


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James Hudson 7 years ago

Hey, different stats require different amounts of hands for them to be relevant. If you post your stats in this thread I'm sure that some posters can give you some feedback on them.

MulderFBI 6 years, 11 months ago

Here are my stats after 12k hands NL2 regular tables. Seems not a very good sample but maybe some leaks will already appear. I would really appreciate somebody looking into this. Thank you
MY W$WSF is 43 - seems lowish.

James Hudson 6 years, 11 months ago

Hey, here's some quick thoughts. I'm a little rusty doing this guys so correct me if you think anything I say is wrong:

  • You can probably cold call more often than you do from MP, CO, and BTN though the rake might be a bigger consideration than I'm thinking.

  • You can probably RFI more often than you do from the SB. Especially versus players who fold a lot in BVB steal spots. Add that stat to your HUD if it isn't already there.

  • Your 3 bet from the CO seems quite high but it seems like you're mostly playing a 3 bet or fold strategy preflop so that makes some sense.

  • Your squeeze % seems low. You can probably widen your value range in a lot of situations.

  • Your river c-bet % seems low which means that you're probably not following through with enough bluffs on the river. This might be the right adjustment in your games though. Check out what your river cbet success percentage is and adjust accordingly.

  • Your WWSF is low but it's going to have to be low in games where people love to go to showdown like they will at these stakes. So don't beat yourself up over this stat but keep an eye on it as you move up in stakes. As people start to be able to find the fold button more, it should naturally go up.

  • Finally, your WTSD % and W$SD % numbers don't seem great. Given that your WTSD% is low you should expect your W$SD % number to be higher (Definitely over 50%). You might want to look into your river play and check out your river call efficiency stat to see if you're making lots of bad calls when facing river bets.

MulderFBI 6 years, 11 months ago

Thanks James, appreciate this:)

Going to comment on your points:
1. I often wonder how to approach cold calling/flatting situations on micro stakes. From the one side you don't have much light 3bettors behind so flatting more hands would be great. BTNs and blinds are not defending enough so you can get away playing more hands IP. On the other hand there is a rake consideration - as Phil Galfond stated on his latest video when he reviewed NL10 player - you should aim to win as much pots preflop as you can and reduce postflop. Not sure how to balance that.
2. RFI on the SB could be closer to BTN but I don't have good sample on players. Still going to make some playerpool adjustments and widen up a little.
3. Same as on the 1st point, I think that winning pots preflop applies much to microstakes. Also people fold so much to 3bets.
4. Gonna work on those sqz ranges, thanks.
5. My river cbet success is 52% not sure how to interpret that.
6. Here are river eff stats (wasn't sure which one to pick up)

Could you also comment on my defending statistics? I feel I could defend more from BB vs BU or SB vs BU. Regarding BBvsSB should I tighten a little bit? How about SB - is there a lot room for improvement since I play depolarized 3b and rarely call from SB?

Thanks again.

James Hudson 6 years, 11 months ago

Hey, I'll try to give you some answers

#1 You're best to get some advice from other SSNL players on this and there's a reasonable shot that someone in the forums can help.

#5 Your river cbet success % being at 52% just means that you get folds 52% of the time on the river when you triple barrel. That seems high for these stakes and might mean that you can 3 barrel bluff more often that you usually do. I would check that with some other players though.

#6 Your river call efficiency is really high. In fact you might even want to make some more river calls than you already do. The fact that your river call efficiency is really high and that your W$SD % is fairly low leads me to believe that you're likely not turning enough hands into bluffs when they have little to no showdown value on the river. Check out your bet river stat. If that stat is in the high 20's or low 30's then what I mentioned above is likely the case.

Kalupso 6 years, 11 months ago

Preflop looks good except that almost everyone folds BB vs SB open way too much bellow 50NL and you can exploit that by stealing way more from SB. It's difficult to say much about postflop and give direction, but it looks like you are way too passive overall.

That was a lot of "way" :)

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