An exercise in planning / Live hand 500nL

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An exercise in planning / Live hand 500nL

Live game, 9-handed, 500min/2kmax


Straddled pot, I open to 30 in CO with KsJc, BTN flats, Straddler flats

Flop: Js 5h 4d (Pot = 93)

ck, hero bets 65, fold, straddler calls quickly

Turn: Qh (Pot = 223)

ck, hero bets 150, calls quickly again



BTN (stack ~800): 60-70%+ vpip for any reasonable amount, called AI for 150bb preflop with K9o, you get the gist

Straddler (stack ~1000): Late 20s asian, well dressed, and tends to act very quickly. Not a ton of experience with this player, but definitely have the impression that he's a recreational regular who can hand read to some extent.

As far as my image, just assume I'm a young asian perceived as maybe an internet player and you'll probably be in the ballpark. I'm sitting on ~1700.


1) Please name all river cards you would bet (barring live reads on the river ofc). Assume readless first (i.e. use default reads for the player pool), then incorporate reads.

2) Comments welcome on any street. I am curious about sizing on each street and I'm hoping someone can come up with a convincing argument for a larger sizing scheme. I will quickly add that vs. an identified strong player, I would bet closer to 75-80% pot on the turn with my range.

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