Am I spewing or does the logic justify flop raise and turn bet?
Posted by Paid_To_Laid
Posted by Paid_To_Laid posted in Low Stakes
Am I spewing or does the logic justify flop raise and turn bet?
BN: $372.26
SB: $117.96
BB: $100.00
UTG: $224.83
I ended up limping this hand for a couple of reasons, I was getting 3bet a reasonable amount by BU and I have been trying out different limping ranges with recreational players so I can play a wider range etc. Thus far I don't know how well it is going to work lol.
This recreational player happened to be playing 60/18/16 C-betting was 50% over 30 opportunities and I had 300 hands on him
My thoughts on the flop are that I don't really want to call his bet with a player behind, because I can get squeezed out at some frequency he gets into the pot with all sorts of equity etc, even though likely he would just bet out if he had a stronger hand and not checkraise (so maybe the idea that I am scared to continue with a 4 because BB is going to raise or whatever is not really logical)
I raised to isolate the rec player, define his hand a little bit better, get BB out of the pot, and to protect my equity, turn T pairing, I assume that he is going to have an absolute ton of flushdraws and gutshots so I elect to bet 40% or so to check the river.
After I looked at this hand I asked my self if it was really necessary to do this.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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