AKs raise on the button facing low board flop
Posted by Aaron Shadrick
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Aaron Shadrick
posted in
Low Stakes
AKs raise on the button facing low board flop
I was playing 1/2 NLHE. I had about 300 big blinds. I am on the button with 4 limpers and then a raise to $12 from the cuttoff seat. I re-raise to $35 with AK of hearts. Everyone folds and the cut off calls.
The flop comes 2-3-8 rainbow. Cut off seat bets $20. I pop it to $55. He calls
The turn comes a 5s. Still no flush draws. He checks. I bet $100. He calls fairly quickly.
River comes 10c. He checks. I consider 3 barreling with my remaining money. I do chicken out because I felt he was going to call. He turns over pocket 7's.
I thought i had done a nice job of representing an over pair from the beginning. He told me he would have called my all in.
Could I have played this hand differently? Should I have shoved on the river? Bet larger on the turn?
Thanks ahead of time
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