AKs in 3bet pot! 16nl!
Posted by maco
Posted by maco posted in Low Stakes
AKs in 3bet pot! 16nl!
https://www.weaktight.com/h/57ffb3bed39043425e8b45b8 villain is playing 22/17, 3bet 10 in bb v co, fold to 4bet 67, cbet flop in 3bet pot 60 and 50 on turn, wtsd 23, w$sd 54, agg f and t 37/33. Preflop I just called ip because he fold quite a lot at 4bets and I want to keep in his range some weak Ax/Kx etc. How would you play the flop vs that big size?? I think that calling is standard. OTT he keeps that big size and confused me. How would you play it?
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