AKo sick river spot
Posted by hardsinx
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Low Stakes
AKo sick river spot
villain 24/19 af 36 fold to 3bet in btn 40 hands 1.7k 4bet range 2.2
fold to cb ip in 3bet pots 67% (9) *turn and river no info
raise cb in 3bet pots 0%(11) *turn and river no info
bet vs missed no info
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Yeah, gross spot. I think probably a good fold.
He needs to be turning hands with showdown value into bluffs on river, which I doubt many 10NL players are doing.
So KcQ seems like his only real bluffing candidate on river, maybe KcJ. Perhaps KcK. Those combos aren't quite enough to make this a call, however.
If he was a fun player I'd jam for value on river and expect to be called by worse.
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