AK on Kh3h2h in 3bet pot
Posted by BubbleNedRum
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Low Stakes
AK on Kh3h2h in 3bet pot
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $26.49
SB: $25.00
BB: $37.09
UTG: $54.59
MP: $27.00
CO: $34.43 (Hero)
SB: $25.00
BB: $37.09
UTG: $54.59
MP: $27.00
CO: $34.43 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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interestingly, a similar hand occured in the session today.
villain was a 4tabling reg, but had only 40 hands or something on him.
he snap-jammed river, which i am not sure if he would do that with his value hands.
i guess he would rather fake time bank a little as if he had a difficult decision.
what do you do on the river?
anyone wants to get it in on the flop?
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4bet preflop all day. I'd make it like 4.5.
As played I think I would fold river vs unknown. I assume you have some flushes in your range and AhKx, maybe even 9h9x and JhJx?
Definitely agree on the 4bet pre, think flatting is really bad against this size. By 4betting less often you let him realise more equity on his 3bets so he can 3bet you more often.
why do you guys want to 4bet? lets say we 4bet to 4.50$ and he shoves.
hero has to fold then and to 4b / f AK is pretty much the worst outcome possible...
Would you 4/bet fold AKo 100% of the time CO vs B?
I think it's EV+ to call if B shoves.
"hero has to fold then"
No, call??
have played now 17k hands or so on z25 and have not seen one 5bet bluff shove for 100bb...
That's because you keep folding ;-)
It doesn't have to be a bluff shove, we have enough equity to call if they're shoving QQ+ and AK, I think even if they're just shoving QQ+ then we're just about ok but haven't done the math for a while and would depend on your 4bet sizing.
if he is shoving AK QQ+ we have the equity by 1%, if he is shoving only QQ+ we need 37%, but have only 30%
I'm 4Betting pre, and folding river. But I'm calling with AhKx
what do you think his tripple barrel bluff range is when we block the Ah?
AxQh, 54s, 64s, 72o, 86o, T2o, etc
and all of those hand are in a BU vs CO 3b range?! are you trolling me?!
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