AK 3bet pot oop turnplay
Posted by weltcheftrainer
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Low Stakes
AK 3bet pot oop turnplay
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $16.67
SB: $9.77 (Hero)
BB: $12.84
UTG: $8.88
MP: $6.94
CO: $4.66
SB: $9.77 (Hero)
BB: $12.84
UTG: $8.88
MP: $6.94
CO: $4.66
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
BN wins $1.35
Rake is $0.06
Rake is $0.06
Villain is a nit.
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Your sizing is too small preflop. Your flop bet is fine. You should bet turn too with a similar sizing.
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with his 3b sizing. Regs, especially nits, aren't 4x'ing 3b's in today's 5NL games. With just the BB left to act, his sizing is fine. I would maybe go to .43 or .44 but that's it. You'll see some guys 3b to like .36 or .38 with AA or KK in spots like this now and then, too.
Why is the sizing too small? What is the correct sizing? In SB or BB i always click bet pot pre on stars^^
Well, simply hitting "pot" every time is definitely a huge leak. You need to have a purpose in mind when you bet. Different sizings suit different purposes. Experiment with these.
Preflop 3bet could be a bit bigger, but it isn't a huge mistake.
Cbet flop is good and the turn is imo a clear check/call vs that sizing. I don't expect that many folds OTT, so check is good. The ranges are still quite wide, because this js a spot SBvsBTN and he is also calling the 1/3 cbet, so he has a decent amount of Ax, Kx and worse. Also expect many stabs from villain, so check/call seems standard to me, we have still 6 outs vs some paired hand, expect of quads.
I'm with MatoStar.
Agree with all of this also.
James, what are your thoughts on checking flop here with range 200bb deep and constructing some XC and XR ranges? Our AA-QQ could really benefit from that. I think it could be better than 1/3pot with range here.
That could make a ton of sense. If you, or someone else, has access to a solver it would be interesting to see how much EV we sacrifice by removing the option to c-bet from the SB here.
Can someone explain the preflop sizing? Should I always size it up in the SB?
Because of these, you want to size up your 3bet, i would make it 10-11bb
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