AJs calling down

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AJs calling down

BB: $10
UTG: $12.37
HJ: $11.72
CO: $8.95
BN: $10 (Hero)
SB: $10.05
Preflop ($0.15) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A J
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.20, SB folds, BB raises to $0.70, Hero calls $0.50
Flop ($1.55) T 6 4 (2 Players)
BB bets $0.70, Hero calls $0.70
Turn ($2.95) T 6 4 A (2 Players)
BB bets $1.90, Hero calls $1.90
River ($6.75) T 6 4 A 5 (2 Players)
BB bets $3.80, Hero calls $3.80

Villain 16/12 5.3 3bet (only 53 hands)

PF - I think calling is fine

Flop. - Calling IP w two overs and BDFD I think is fine

Turn - Could be good bluffing card for him, will continue with a bunch of KJ,KQ,QJ that just picked up equity... might be firing especially with those hands with diamonds

River - Bricks out... I tank a lot and then I make the call. Hoping to face some busted draw.

Looking back at it I think I was sorta tilting already and made a bad river call. There are just far too many two pair combos and AQ/AK... AJ I don't even think would bet river. A fair part of his busted draws might give up on river as well... I don't know if it is too common for villains to triple barrel here with something like KQ diamonds.

As painful as might be the river is a fold. 

1.Do you agree with PF play?

2.Do you agree with calling Flop+Turn? How about riveR?


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JoINrbs 10 years, 5 months ago

I think river is a fold and the rest is fine. I don't think calling river is awful though, just think it's close and leaning towards fold.

rogueserpent 10 years, 5 months ago

I'm folding pre a lot, flop a lot, and I'm not seeing turn and river... After I donk either of those streets, I'm seeing show down with my Ace, because I'm obviously tilted or I have a read telling me this guy is full of BS. 

PrettyInPink 10 years, 5 months ago

Pretty sure he's slowing way down with JJ-KK on the A turn which makes river a fold.  I wouldn't expect a 16/12 to bet river with missed diamonds (small part of range because of his tight 3bet range anyways) and he probably even checks back AQ some of the time on the river so I think you're crushed here.

ohgodwhy 10 years, 5 months ago

Folding this pre seems ridiculous to me. We're BTN v BB where 3betting ranges are still very wide, we have a top 10% hand of our BTN opening range, we minraised pre and can play a pot IP with a very large SPR and the sample is pretty meaningless. I regularly have these stats over 50 hands as well and I play sth like 27/24/10.

Altogether the hand seems inconsequential to me if you don't feel comfortable calling down once you turn TP. Then I'd prefer to just raise or fold OTF. Especially the former one has some merits because you can likely fold out AK, AQ and sth like 99-77 if he has that pre and you can profitably ship a lot of turn cards if he just calls I think.

PhisyFishy 10 years, 5 months ago

Completely agree with you up until the point about raising flop and having a profitable ship on a lot of turns. You will be perceived to have so many draws in your flop range, so i don't expect raising and shoving to get that many folds.

Also you say raising is good because it folds out AK/AQ/99/77, but you can do this later in the hand if you float the flop. I think folding/calling are gonna be better than raising here.

ohgodwhy 10 years, 5 months ago
There's nothing wrong with exploitatibly checking back clubs and shipping diamonds if you think he perceives your range as diamond heavy and won't ever fold anything on a low club turn. That said, I wouldn't really raise many diamond draws OTF because I don't defend very many of the low ones pre and a lot of the bigger ones I prefer to just flat.

Of course you can also float and win later but you run the risk of him picking up barrel cards or running into the RIO scenario where he turns the better TP than you. I also don't see a real downside in raising compared to the two alternatives if you don't overdo it with any draw and backdoor you can show up here with.

SPrince 10 years, 5 months ago

Not sure how 10NL plays these days but i`m inclined to think players are still not advanced to play 3b/f from the sb.For that reason i doubt he`ll have too many broadways in his range to be profitable for you to continue on the flop, so folding is best vs what seems to be a tighter tange.

Cozacu 10 years, 5 months ago

Thank you for all the feedback and different opinions. I still believe folding PF is just not good vs a villain that we don't know much about (50 hands isn't really a sample). 

Reviewing this again, I think the mistake was on the river... calling is useless and just praying for a miracle... I don't think players at these limits bluff enough in such spots... and beside a pure bluff we are crushed by everything. 

He showed up w ATo, which means he could still have ,A8,A9, KJ, KQ on turn but most likely will give up the river, and ofc he`s got all the "infinite" combos that beat us.

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