AJo OOP sqz got min4betted
Posted by OZfaktor
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Low Stakes
AJo OOP sqz got min4betted
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (4 Players)
BN: $10.08
SB: $10.15
BB: $10.44 (Hero)
CO: $11.34
SB: $10.15
BB: $10.44 (Hero)
CO: $11.34
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
CO wins $3.63
Rake is $0.17
Rake is $0.17
V: 67/21 after 61 hands
PF: Sqz OOP AJo might be good vs his opening range and it plays bad postflop so I think this is thin sqz for value? I got min3betted and no idea what to think about his range. I call given the odds but I think my hand might be behind.
F: I hit my top pair but wouldn't be better to see here a J instead of A? His range contains so many hands that might dominate me. Sizing is also huge and I think I'm behind. Would you call here facing lower sizing 50-60%?
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It plays bad postflop 3-way imo. If SB didn't call, you could either 3b or call.
Flop sizing is ridiculous, I would fold.
Cbets in 4b pots are generally between ~25/40%.
Squeeze larger or fold IMO. 15bb would have been a better size pre.
As played with the min raise and villains stats I'm calling and calling the big bet on the flop. They could be betting anything at this point KJ, K10, Q10, J9, 6's, 7's are all possible, plus why would they bet so large on an A98 board if they hit the best of it? What are they afraid of you continuing with?
To me it looks like they're trying to scare you away from best hand.
Thank you guys for evaluation :)
Sqz bigger as mentioned.
I fold to the 4b. As nitty as it sounds getting 4:1, his value range has you crushed and even if you flop an Ace you are not going to be comfortable getting your stack in.
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