Adjustment vs high 4-bettors

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Adjustment vs high 4-bettors

I've seen that some regs nowadays 4-bet a lot OTB vs the blinds, which is a good strategy specially vs the SB. How to adjust properly? In your opinion, which of the following options will be the most +EV adjustment, and why?
1) 3-bet tighter vs them
2) Add 5-bet bluffs to your 5-bet range
3) Slowplay the top of your 3-bet range and call vs the 4-bet to get value out of his bluffs postflop
4) Something else (describe it)


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Lljag 8 years, 10 months ago

Ok ok :) I think the EV of your play depends on a lot of things:
- What’s his LP opening range?
- If he 4bet too much, you can decrease your 3bet bluff frequency and increase your 3bet value frequency (with more thin value hands)
- What is his 4betting range (polar, linear) ? His range will affect your response : if he is polar, you can add some traps at your calling range.
- what’s your perceived 3betting range ? You can tighten it so he will adjust and 4bet less.
- How does he react to a 5 bet?
- You can change the sizing of your 3bet according to his tendencies. You can 3bet with blockers (Ax, Kx) if he 4bet of fold.
- And so on. It depends lol

sauloCosta10 8 years, 10 months ago
  • What’s his LP opening range?

Assume 50%

  • If he 4bet too much, you can decrease your 3bet bluff frequency and increase your 3bet value frequency (with more thin value hands)

I won't be able to realize equity with those hands if he keeps 4-betting me.

  • What is his 4betting range (polar, linear) ? His range will affect your response : if he is polar, you can add some traps at your calling range.

I haven't seen a linear 4-bet range from BN vs blinds in my life. Assume its polarized, with lots of offsuit broadways that serve as blockers.

  • what’s your perceived 3betting range ? You can tighten it so he will adjust and 4bet less.

My perceived range is wide and aggressive

  • How does he react to a 5 bet?

I don't know.

  • You can change the sizing of your 3bet according to his tendencies. You can 3bet with blockers (Ax, Kx) if he 4bet of fold.

I am not sure if I understood what you mean by changing sizing. Are you suggesting to 3-bet bigger vs him to discourage 4-bet bluffs?

Lljag 8 years, 10 months ago

For a specific answer, I think you need to do the math with some hypothesis : EV(choice 1), EV(choice 2) and choose the play with the best EV. Sorry if it doesn t help but I don t think there is a general answer.

Kalupso 8 years, 10 months ago

It depends on how much he folds to 3bets and how large 4bet size is used.

  • High fold and large 4bet size means a polarized 3bet range with smaller 3bet size is optimal.
  • Low fold and large 4bet size means you should tighten up 3bet range and stack of lighter.
  • High fold and large 4bet size...
  • Low fold and small 4bet size means you should only 3bet value hands and expand it.
Pokerlogical 8 years, 10 months ago

So The First thing u Do is 3bet Quite optimally about 15-17% in The SB. Now if he 4bets you wide ist is clear that he Will Go broke with something like AQs+,AKo,TT+ so I Would Check my equities and try to Pick some Nice 3bet/5bet Bluffs Be him.

Also I Would Call AJs and ATs vs The 4bet and Maybe 5bet AQ (Check Equity to Know The answer)

Samu Patronen 8 years, 10 months ago

All the things you described should be used to some degree if you suspect that villain is 4betting a lot. However, you can't adjust perfectly if you don't know the specifics. The most important thing is to not fold too much to 4bets.

Juan Copani 8 years, 10 months ago

Id say that not polarize your 3bet range its a mandatory adjustment, you don´t need to play tighter, but you need to be prepared for calling 4bets.

Ovbiously 5bet bluff could be another option to add as long your opponent does not call 5bets shove enough.

Pokerlogical 8 years, 10 months ago

Sry for offtopic but that dog is so cute :o.. Where did you buy him?

@topic I like to Add that Small 5betting can give you a really Nice Price on your Bluffs and if Villain is nit prepared to 6b Bluff it's a really Sweet Option, Also at lower Limits People perceive Small 5bets As strong.

sauloCosta10 8 years, 10 months ago


So you would prefer to have a more linear 3-bet range BB vs BU if BU is 4-betting a ton for example? I think it makes sense but our calling range is gonna sufer from that, isn't it?


The problem with 5-betting small is that you get commited to the pot, unless you 5-bet a hand like 92s (which I think is bad because of no blockers) which has no equity vs villain continuing range but a hand like A5s has 30% equity vs AK, QQ+. If I were to 5-bet bluff, it would be all in

Pokerlogical 8 years, 10 months ago

If it goes 2x 7x 18x and you make it 29x you would still need around 33% equity to call a shove so you can quite comfortably fold hands like KJo I think.

It's true you can't 5bet small if it goes 3x 10x 21,5x.

vayne 8 years, 10 months ago

Hi juan, what is the 4b % that u think its high enough to start adjusting to not polariz our 3bet range??? and what is the fold to 5B% big enough to start using more 5bet bluffs???

Juan Copani 8 years, 10 months ago

Regarding to min5bets, It has to be a hand weak enough to not call once you get shoved on. But even that, you should remember that you are always comparing the EVshove against the EVcall.

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