Additional Value Townage!
Posted by Declan McKenna
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Declan McKenna
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Low Stakes
Additional Value Townage!
BN: $99
SB: $198.87
BB: $345.83
HJ: $100 (Hero)
CO: $101.50
SB: $198.87
BB: $345.83
HJ: $100 (Hero)
CO: $101.50
51/21 (81 hands)
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $3, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $2
Hero raises to $3, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $2
(2 Players)
BB bets $4,
Hero raises to $12,
BB calls $8
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $19.50,
BB calls $19.50
(2 Players)
BB checks
$65 behind
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I shove here with the occasional bet 1/4 pot to induce spass.
Fist pump shove!!
I would rather float this flop then raise, reasons being:
1) If we get 3B, we`re pretty much done with the hand, and a lot of fish will just spaz here with any FD, OE and GS+BDFD.
2) We can pretty much play perfect on x turns against him
3) He will make obv bet sizing tells that we can exploit (i.e bet smaller if his hand doesn`t improve, bet bigger to protect etc).
And yeah i don`t like the shove otr, bc i don`t think any worse will call, and vs villains with super wide ranges like this one, a good % of the time we will just end up Value Owning ourselfs.
Hustla i disagree with bet/calling river, as opposed to shoving. Essentially, we're playing our overall hand range on the River.
Flop: As you can see Hero Raised with Q(h)K(h) overcard+FD on flop.
If Hero is capable of raising flop as a semibluff , then he should sufficient amount of missed 5X,FD,8X gutshot combos on River that he's likely Bluffing with.
*) If we actually change our QK to say A(h)8(h) that missed river, arent we bluffing on the river? And i dont see any other river bet sizing other than a Jam, where we get the most Fold-equity.
QK is close to the top of our value range on river, and i think it's clearly a default Jam river, in order to balance for the times that i Jam with a Missed FD/SD....
TheLove_Below, why balance against fish? Reason I'm not fistpumping here is the lack of Kx or Tx that calls the flop raise and the straight coming in.
Declan, it's just how I approach poker. I agree on the importance of Exploiting Villains leaks, and dont balance VS fish, etc... But, it's just the way of how i approach the game. I've taken shots at 400-600NL, and was playing fairly unbalanced ranges in many spots. I think, if OP is going to move up in stakes, having a more balanced overall gameplan is the way to go.
**) I also think that Villain shouldnt have a range that's beating our KX on the river either. 44,66,77,58s,67s, i think wouldve either 3/bet flop, or C/R turn.
By advocating a Jam river, i'm also maximizing potential gain, if in fact Villain is willing to bluffcatch us on river.
**) To be fair, Villain could have 89 in his 2-street calling range that we're losing on the river. But my overall thoughts is to Jam. Feel free to continue discussion.
we're IP hustla. If Villain is a (fish) like what you guys hinted, then his river Checking range is highly unbalanced. No way is VIllain checking, hands like Sets/straights on the river, in fear of missing potential value on his value range, say if we checked back on river. Villains range is capped river, and our QK should be crushing his RIver check back range pretty bad equity wise.
Villains hand range is pretty capped on river-street. I could see Betting small as a viable river option for thin value.
I know lol.I was actually sweating a friend playing while writting so i messed it up ;).
Still i think betting smaller is superior then shoving, and is keeping that exact capped range we`re talking about in.Another reason is that fish often call smaller bets but fold to shoves.Why?
The vast majority of them don`t know the difference beetween absolute and relative hand strength, what pod odds are, and what stacks to pot ratio is.So they just see a big bet and the "ALL IN" sign on their screen, get scared and convince themselfs to fold.
While with a smaller sizing, they might think oh he is trying to bluff me, and look you up light.I know its kind of a "Gorilla style" angle of looking at it, but it`s true.I`m not hating on the shove, just think it`s less superior in this case, and i might be wrong.
What do you think about the flop action, do you preffer a raise of his DB or float?
im flatting flop.
1) you shouldnt have that many combos of 4X,6X,7X,35,58 in your UTG opening range
2) The board is highly coordinated, and if VIllain 3-bets, we're likely behind his Value raising range. Villain rarely bluff on this type of board texture, with pure Air.
3) Im IP, and by calling flop, i keep my hand range uncapped for future 2-streets
4) Deception, since most ppl would assume we would be raising with our FD/SD on flop, by calling, i cap my range to some extent when a heart hits on either turn/river, thus trapping Villain.
5) KEEP GAME SIMPLE!!! Call/Call/Call. :)
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