Adaptation to antes games

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Adaptation to antes games


I have try to find informations about how to adjust at antes table after having seen than my result in this format was absolutly disatrous whereas I have good result at normal table.
In fact I just play the same way and I just defend a little more my big blind.

But I haven't find many things.

Most people say : play more hands and defend more big blings.
But for me it's not very clear.

If some of you have already seen a good post on this topic, can you post a link because I haven't find a good one.

I have start to think a little about this and this is my first impressions.
Should I raise more ?

If a take the snowie preflop range for UTG to BN (I haven't think to SB and BB right now because it is more complex with the limping).
UTG raise 15.63% - HJ 18.85% - CO 25.79% - BN 38.46%
Intuitivelly with no positionnal disadvantage I think than UTG should open 17% (1/6) HJ 20% (1/5) CO 25% (1/4) and BN 33% (1/3).

If UTG and HJ raise less it's probably because they will have hard time to fight against a 3 bet or just versus call from someone in position.

If it's correct, opening more from UTG and HJ, as adaptation for antes game, will just make me loose more money because CO and BN will be able to 3 bet and call more and they will be incited to make it because theyre is more money to take and my range is weaker.

So for the open raising range in antes games a correct adaptation is it to play tighter, relatively to no antes tables in UTG and HJ and a lot looser in CO and BN ?
Witch is different of just playing looser.

I have to think about how adapt the calling and 3 betting range in each position but do you think my thinking is correct here because I have never read that anywhere so it could just be wrong ?

Sorry for all english mistakes I have made.

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