AA vs triple donk NL50
Posted by RaoulFlush
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Low Stakes
AA vs triple donk NL50
SB: $65.25
BB: $54.80
UTG: $38.25
HJ: $50
CO: $50 (Hero)
BN: $54.75
BB: $54.80
UTG: $38.25
HJ: $50
CO: $50 (Hero)
BN: $54.75
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.25, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $0.75
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.25, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $0.75
(2 Players)
BB bets $1.65,
Hero calls $1.65
(2 Players)
BB bets $3.60,
Hero calls $3.60
(2 Players)
BB bets $7
So, villain is playin 21/13 and was donking 1/2 so far cauz its only 56 hands...Aggr frequency is only 36% so far...Really confused here cauz Im totally crushed by his value range which could contain and flushes pretty well and 4x/5x occasionally. Esp me blocking the NFD i dont see any bluffs at all in his range and his betsizes look really value heavy...Might he just be blocking 3 streets or is this a fold by the river?
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Raising the flop is an option, but as played, I'd just call here twice. A fish probably bombs a boat. It's much more likely he's making a I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-my-queen bet or a weird bluff.
i Think you played the flop too passively, And you still have redraw to Nut FD+Overpair equity. By calling flop/turn, your actually underrepping your A(d)A hand range on RIver spot.
I wouldve raised either flop/Turn, Preferably Flop, since i want to build the pot as early as possible.
On the river, your losing to everything in VIllains Value range, X(d)Y(d),4X,5X. Probably a fold.
I don't see Villain betting many QX combos for 3-streets of value, with this run-out, when we actually have more 4X,5X,QX in our hand range than Him.
dont see the point in raising the flop, we dont have anything to protect vs, we dont want him folding worse, and we just get shoved on by better. If we had more reads than I can see merit, but vs just an unknown I just call. We have position, use it to our advantage.
Id call river, hes giving us a good price and hes possibly a fish and they play their hands stupidly, he can easily just have a queen he has no idea what to do with or something dumb
For value maybe?
If he`s a fish he would take a hand like QxKd to the grave.
I like raising the flop, and setting up stacks on the turn for a river shove.
Inherently a Donk-betting hand range is unbalanced. You usually see Villain Donk-betting say made FLush, or Set on Flop, in fear of scaring away their opponents. Most players play bad on a Monotone board texture, and they'll usually avert to C/R with their Value range....
I consider AA raise as my Default Strategy in a vacuum, since i dont think Villain is donk-bet/folding a high % of the times. A reasonable assumption i can establish for villains donk-betting range, is he's probe-betting with a marginal hand that need's protection, but cant face a strong C-bet OOP.
Likely Probe-betting candidates: QX(d) top pair combodraw,K(d)X, QX Top-pair,66-TT with one diamond.
1) The reason i like a raise, is i can better define Villains hand range on Flop, while also learn what Villain is donk-betting us with on Monotone flop.
2) I also would like to build pots, thus setting up 3-streets Value with top part of my value range
3) This also balances the times that i bluff on Monotone flops(theoretically speaking).
This is a range i gave Villain, That's DB into us {TcTd,TdTh,TdTs,9c9d,9d9h,9d9s,8c8d,8d8h,8d8s,7c7d,7d7h,7d7s,6c6d,6d6h,6d6s,KQs,Q8s+,AQo,KdQc,KdQh,KdQs,KdJc,KdJh,KdJs,KsJh,KdTc,KdTh,KdTs,KsTd,QTo+}
VS a donk betting range
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 62,370 games 0.002 secs 31,185,000 games/secBoard: 4d 5d QdDead: equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 90.127% 90.10% 00.03% 56194 18.00 { AdAs}
Hand 1: 09.873% 09.84% 00.03% 6140 18.00 { TcTd, TdTh, TdTs, 9c9d, 9d9h, 9d9s, 8c8d, 8d8h, 8d8s, 7c7d, 7d7h, 7d7s, 6c6d, 6d6h, 6d6s, KQs, Q8s+, AQo, KdQc, KdQh, KdQs, KdJc, KdJh, KdJs, KsJh, KdTc, KdTh, KdTs, KsTd, QTo+ }
I think for us to raise flop, we can Vary our turn lines
either by 1) Check for deception, thus gaining a RIver street of value
2) Jam over VIllains Turn DB
3) Bet ourselves, to set up stacks.
Based on 100BB scenario, AA is definetly a raise for me, whereas i wouldve probably called with say AA no diamonds...
Whats your thoughts on this ITPIS?
James, What would you consider to be a reasonabl Donk-betting range for VIllain on flop, if you had to do an accurate calculation?
I've seen all sorts of hands take this line. His stats seem more reg-like, which worries me a bit, but my default is to call here and expect to see Qx with a diamond, air, a bare diamond, 66-JJ, and sometimes 4x or 5x.
If you have reads that he might be fishy I probably raise flop and get it in though.
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