AA v donk.
Posted by maco
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Low Stakes
AA v donk.
BB is unknow, CO is a weak player. I wasnt sure what bb range looks like when he donks, I guess he can have any set, 8x, sd, maybe 99-JJ that didnt sqz preflop. I didnt want to shove when the weak player raises because I think I iso myself against a range that beats me. What do you think we should do when bb shoves?
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Any concrete info on CO beside “weak”?
Could be anything from call/raise/fold if we have more info on this guy
Raise bigger pre. Once this much money has gone in on flop you only need to defend a really tight range. If AA is included in that range or not I'm not sure. Would be helpful to have some reads.
I raised 3.5x because CO was short. I dont have any other reads.
I think with this little info is hard to judge because I'd be worried about that donk into 3 players on such a dry board. I believe I would have either shoved after the CO 25bb(and roll the dice as I am never dead here) or folded. AA doesnt do great when 3 other players see the flop. What stake is this?
Against this action, and on this board in a 4-way pot you can fold AA OTF.
I'd call/raise with sets. Yes that is pretty tight but I don't think we have other good options. Stacking off, and even just flatting here with an overpair is a bit of an overplay, and we're just donating money. We will be forced to fold if BB or MP jam flop or turn, and jamming flop ourselves is most likely straight up -EV. We even still have to worry about what SB will do.
Kuduku I agree very much with this, however I asked what the stake it is because at 2nl - BB can overplay 99s&10s or even A8 or K8 while CO can have 75 for example.
Why do you believe is straight up -EV if BB does this with Sets but also with A8 99+?
I am asking because I've seen a lot of players just flatting JJs&QQs for a "safe" flop and then turn up the heat (in their mind most likely getting value from TP or underpairs).
Sure, if you have a solid read that the players involved just like to donate their chips/ are clicking random buttons then by all means you should call or even shove AA/KK etc.
I don't know how 2nl plays these days but where I play this is definitely a fold with an overpair. Even in my live games AA is completely crushed when facing this kind of action from passive players in a multiway pot it will almost always be up against a flopped set or at best against some big combo draw which on this board is not really possible.
If the CO was 100bb deep I would have folded flop
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