AA spike set on turn vs table recreational loose passive.
Posted by MicroFish
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Low Stakes
AA spike set on turn vs table recreational loose passive.
CO: $38.77
BN: $41.80
SB: $27.62
BB: $9.74
HJ: $25 (Hero)
BN: $41.80
SB: $27.62
BB: $9.74
HJ: $25 (Hero)
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $0.75, CO calls $0.75, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
Hero raises to $0.75, CO calls $0.75, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
Ah pefect hand obv, CO is very loose passive player, so is the button.
(2 Players)
Hero bets $1.25,
CO calls $1.25
maybe I could have gone a bit bigger on the flop
(2 Players)
Hero bets $4.14,
CO calls $4.14
Awesome turn, you can see I crank up the sizing because this guy peels with almost any piece of the board
(maybe a reason to turn up the heat on the flop.
(maybe a reason to turn up the heat on the flop.
(2 Players)
Hero bets $8,
CO calls $8
This is where the hand get's weird. The guy is so loose passive, I think this is a bet fold as he literally only shows up with straights and flushes here when he shoves.
is there an argument for shipping? I don't know so many draws in his range I'm thinking bet fold but the river is what I'm wondering about the most.
is there an argument for shipping? I don't know so many draws in his range I'm thinking bet fold but the river is what I'm wondering about the most.
Final Pot
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I think you mean Villain shows up with "Flush" on river, since i dont see that many combos of 45s, floating 2-streets VS your near pot-size bets. I really don't think loose-passive Villains in Low-stakes, have a so-called River "bluff-raising" range; it's more weighted towards Value range. There's probably more combos of FD in his IP 2-street flatting range than a hand like 9X, or 6X. Im still betting river for value. However, if Villain raises(and i correctly assume him to be weak), i would probably make an exploitable river fold with AA.
It's even not that exploitable since we can have a lot of flushes.
You don't barrel with your flushdraw + 2 overcards to the 9 ?
i think the fact that we the turn was an A, made me disagree with your analysis
If say the turn card is a blank 3(d), i could see us barreling with all TKs+ heart FD combos, however, with the turn as AX, i would see ourselves checking back a high portion of our FD hand range, since the value hands like T(h)K(h) went down in terms of equity ladder, and we're basically drawing to hearts, VS villains AX hand range thats likely floating us on flop.
**) I could be wrong :P, but it's just my default strategy in this spot.
It's interesting to discuss about it I guess. My thought is that villain is loose passive so yes he def can turn an A but he also can have a lot of air, draws (straight/ gutshot/ lower flushdraw) that we are ahead of or that he gonna fold. And we don't have a horrible equity vs a pair of 9 or less + I would make a small thin VB river if I hit a pair enter 9 and A river.
oh yeah just edited it lol
B/F for sure but should we have gone bigger? I wasn't 100% sure with my sizing.
I think flop sizing is meh too.
actually it's quite the opposite. I would advocate an exploitative bet sizing of $6-$7 max, for the following reasons:
*)We're either Losing VS Flushdraws, or
*) Winning VS VIllains 9X,6X,88-JJ, and less likely AX that floated flop.
1) VIllains weaker Pocket pair hand ranges are essentially bluffcatchers VS our river bet(essentially VIllain has an elastic river Calling range), thus we want to bet smaller to induce a call from the weaker portion of villains hand range.
2) By betting a sizing like $6, We also set up good risk-reward ratio's for ourselves, thus making us lose the minimum VS Villains Flush hand range that's raising on the river for value.
You don't barrel with your flushdraw + 2 overcards to the 9 ?
Vs a loose passive recreational player? No, he's peeling very wide. fold equity? there is no such thing here. IDK maybe a small cbet but he's so likely to c/behind
I don't think I was very descriptive vs villain, let me just put it this way
I somehow (now know) he's flatting with a Q high flush here, i.e, only raising nutted Flushes.
His calling range is inelastic, "loose, passive recreational" I realize value bets shouldn't always be huge, but I do not think 8$ is going to make him fold a 9+ here (and the rare junk AX)
Given these two factors is it not a larger bet?
I should have maybe put some stats vpip in the 40's FTCB in the 20s
very non aggressive in general
lol, given the information provided i wouldve overbet flop/turn for value. guess we had a good debate on turn-street
Would maybe not overbet but bet pot flop turn and jam the river with AA then.
To continue about bet or not with flush draw on the Turn I want to say that I still like to barrel the turn. You said we don't have FE but I think we have. The A is the scariest card for a fish. How much time did you see a loose passive fish call a CB IP with JTo kind of hands on 258r ? because" hey I have 2 over to the flop let's catch a pair mwouhaahah" and then you give up turn and river blank and you see the pot moving to your stack with your Qhi hand river. On that turn he gonna fold these hand and we're happy to don't let him release his equity. Also, if he have a draw and call, he probably not gonna bet river if he miss and then win gonna win the pot with our bigger kicker.
your making alot of bold assumptions here whysoeasy.
Yeah but I make these assumption from how MicroFish described villain and from how I think a random loose passive fish play: call very wide flop (2overs without any draw), don't bluff river .... Obviously if I have any read I can use like saw him bluff draw/air river (kind of thing I take a not of from the first time I see it) It could change my thinking process.
Remember a coach (don't remember who unfortunately) said something like: "You cannot say that you have 0 read on villain, if he look like a tight reg then play him and make your read from how you think an average tight reg play at this limit, same if he's lag reg, passive fish, aggro fish ...)"
Looks good, except for your turn sizing.
Card is terrible for his range, and you almost potted it. 3/4 pot is better.
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