AA, paired river board
Posted by cpau
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Low Stakes
AA, paired river board
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (4 Players)
BB: $11.15
CO: $10.00
BN: $10.00
SB: $11.45 (Hero)
CO: $10.00
BN: $10.00
SB: $11.45 (Hero)
Hero is SB with
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I flatted preflop because the bb was a big fish who 3bet and squeeze a lot. Vilain on the button is a 22/18/ AF 2,3 TAG reg.
Here, I should have bet less than pot, but atm, I thought that vilain could have picked up TP, SD, FD so he'd call the bet anyway, as it looks bluffy. My standard would have been 0,50$.
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I decided to check here because his range is missed FD, missed SD, Jx, prabably PP like 77-99 (that called light OTT). By betting, he would fold every thing but Jx.. By checking, he could bet all his missed draw. Should I c/c here ?
One thing Im noticing while writing: I block the A for both FD... Maybe an argument for c/f the river.
What do you think ?
thx !
One thing Im noticing while writing: I block the A for both FD... Maybe an argument for c/f the river.
What do you think ?
thx !
Final Pot
BN wins $2.28
Rake is $0.12
Rake is $0.12
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Hey. If you think that it's really likely that you get a squeeze, then flatting is fine.
I'd XR the turn, though - his whole calling range is probably going to bet anyway + you get more value from his draws and Jx combos that decided to give up otf + he can sometimes fire with air since it's a scare card for your weak pairs.
As played, I'm XF the R - can't see too many bluffs (most of those bet the F) and we have the Ac. I also don't think that he's going for a tvb with Tx here, since it most likely bets the F.
I prefer xc-ing river. Our AA is a very good bluffcatcher, and it's pretty high up in our river ch range. His AJ combos are blocked pretty hard so I think he can easily have enough bluffs.
what bluff do you think he can have ?
I think he can easily play this way with KQ, or he can turn some 5x,6x into bluff. Im not saying he should but I think you can see things like that on nl10.
He only needs to bluff very few combos since he barely has value.
You can also discount all Jdxd combos - I think he would cbet them OTF. Another thing is - second J OTR makes it less likely villain holds one. He most likely bluffs all his club draw combos and Q9.
So yeah, forgot to say I am xcalling as played.
Things I learned from looking at this hand:
1) our turn stab is insanely profitable with ATC.
2) river is probably x/f, maybe x/c.
can you explain your point #1 ?
Villain just has tons and tons of air, our turn bet gets folds a huge amount of the time.
yeah the overcard make it more likely he folds OTT. Im really not sure about the river play tho. It would be a great move for vilain to call turn et bet river with all missed draw when I check, even if he dont have that many draws in his range.
He has too many jacks compared to draws if we assume that he bets flop with most overs + backdoor anything.
I think this is a spot where betting is easier than calling... so although we miss the opportunity to bluff catch we can make a better guess of villain`s hand strength.
By betting we are clearly representing Jx, and he will almost never raise to bluff you of the hand... and he could make the mistake of believing you have the busted draw so he calls you with TX or some other pair hand.
I would like bet/fold. (@ 1.2$ ) < but with a different bet sizing on turn>
As played.
I think you can confidently fold, I won't expect a good reg to call pot with a FD on turn.
Yeah, c/c is probs the worst option - you're really overestimating the amount of missed draws villain could potentially have. I still think betting should be a lot better as I really don't wanna c/f.
3bet pre though, not close at all. If the fish is spazz happy he'll spazz just as often if you 3b and you'll have yourself a way bigger pot by the flop already.
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