AA- OTT- Should I be folding?
Posted by FeedDaFish
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Low Stakes
AA- OTT- Should I be folding?
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $171.52
SB: $185.82 (Hero)
BB: $127.28
UTG: $137.25
MP: $56.35
CO: $82.67
SB: $185.82 (Hero)
BB: $127.28
UTG: $137.25
MP: $56.35
CO: $82.67
Villain is playing 25/ 21/ 5.5% 3 bet
Of the 5 hands he has faced a 3 bet he has folded 3 times and 4 bet the other two. Seems to defend to 3 bets with a 4 bet or fold albeit small sample size(150 hands).
I feel this makes AA a good candidate to peel PF esp considering depth of stack.
I think on the flop that if I cr he will simply fold out worse hands and continue with better hands considering the stack depth I don't think this is an option.
OTT i'm really not sure I feel like a chunk of villains range c backs here. Bluffs feel like suited combos without spades that don't block JJQQ(109/ 78/ 56 etc. My real concern is a large majority of villains range with a spade c back. Many hands would just shutdown on the turn. Even hands like KQ with a spade I would think c back turn.
Another part that threw me was the sizing OTT should we generally be betting two thirds pot with a flush on the turn here. Also should sets be betting the turn against our range here?
Was this a huge donk off to get it in on the turn? thoughts on all stages of the hand please. Thanks
Of the 5 hands he has faced a 3 bet he has folded 3 times and 4 bet the other two. Seems to defend to 3 bets with a 4 bet or fold albeit small sample size(150 hands).
I feel this makes AA a good candidate to peel PF esp considering depth of stack.
I think on the flop that if I cr he will simply fold out worse hands and continue with better hands considering the stack depth I don't think this is an option.
OTT i'm really not sure I feel like a chunk of villains range c backs here. Bluffs feel like suited combos without spades that don't block JJQQ(109/ 78/ 56 etc. My real concern is a large majority of villains range with a spade c back. Many hands would just shutdown on the turn. Even hands like KQ with a spade I would think c back turn.
Another part that threw me was the sizing OTT should we generally be betting two thirds pot with a flush on the turn here. Also should sets be betting the turn against our range here?
Was this a huge donk off to get it in on the turn? thoughts on all stages of the hand please. Thanks
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
lost and shows a pair of Aces.
BN wins $341.54
Rake is $2.50
BN wins $341.54
Rake is $2.50
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Sorry first time posting HH realise I have put this in the wrong stake.
no problem just moved it
I think you played it perfectly.
That are awkward stack sizes, and villain 4bets pre to a perfect amount s.t. you cannot 5bet bluff really... so your range is faced up if you 5bet. I would exploitatively 5bet only KK in this situation.
On the flop, the call is good, if you do not want to have a raising range. And if you have a raising range, i would say an all in overbet shove is the perfect size to raise (prob with non-spade AA and KK, flush draws)
And what hand did villain have? If he had a strange holding like TT or KQs, you can punish him by 5bet shoving a lot with AK, A5s, KK, QQ...
Thanks man it does get awkward at the stack sizes. what ranges do you think Villain is bluffing here?
I don't think I have many raises on this flop due to stack sizes( not too skilled with playing deep stacked tbh). Interesting line to c jam flop with AA/KK/ flush draws no spade on this kind of wet texture.
And if he continues to play 4bet or fold ip vs a sb 3bet you should have a polarized 3betting range against him.
What are the kind of hands you put in 3 bet range? I'm thinking AQ/AK/ 99/1010/JJ/QQ with a view to 5 bet jam. I feel like I will be mixing in 4 bet calls with AA/KK?
Deliberately left the hand out. lets just say it's not standard. Any guesses???
That was pocket 3 for sure and pretty standard i would say
Masticlox - would you bet go a set of 3s on the turn there. I feel like I’m always checking back surely we would force out overpairs without a spade
I like preflop
Flop looks good
Turn interesting, Sets are unlikely, Yes it looks like villain 4b/fold pre but also deep ? Those PPs are mostly in a calling range. Same with 89s.
Villain mostly reps flushes, maybe some KsKx QsQx but that's quite aggressive we have flushes, sets in our range and slowplayed AA. Those OP's should mostly be checking.
When we give villain Kxss (most likely flushes 4betting suited Kx makes sense as a blocker) + KsKx and a few KT/KJ with spade bluffs we have to jam here tho with AsAc
I think you need more reads to explo fold here but it seems quite gross blocking villain's As bluffs + the fact that its an odd size to bluff. I think villain's go smaller turn to jam river on a bluff w the As blocker. If you have a good population read maaybe fold.
Yeah good point about deep stacking bringing pps into the calling range albeit unlikely to have as played.
I feel like kk qq have to c back against our range we have flushes here and definetely think 89s could take this cc line here.
KJ/K10 do seem like legit bluffs. I guess there is enough bluffs in range I don’t have pio yet would like to run this and see it’s thoughts on the turn.
I do think the AA with the As is just too strong here but stilll felt gross. Agree that I feel like I would be betting about 40ish here as a bluff.
It could be a suited connector used to resteal. Button should play a polarized strategy preflop, no? So raise is premium hands and some bluff suited connectors while hands like KQo would call the 3bet
Villain showed 106ss btw.
Maybe you had been reraising his steals alot? When i sense they reraise a little too often I like to reraise them again.Often with very weak hands. Most of the time they fold. When they don't fold and dont raise again their hand is pretty visible so outplaying them on the flop works ok.
And sometimes I just hit it, like this villain
When I am this deep with AA I like to reraise it again preflop. Maybe I turn my hand face up and maybe I dont give them chance to give me the rest of their money. But I avoid difficult situations like you faced here
Also on the flop I reraise. I rereaise because I very often bluff reraise here assuming villain didnt hit it either because he raised pre (if they have a too high cbet. I don't vs passive players) I win a lot of money like this with hands like AK. Idk if it's the most correct play but it has been working very well for me and make things simple. They may very well be drawing on the flop, and I don't let them for one third flop bet
The problem like you say by 5 betting you turn your hand face up, therefore when you call 4 b oop you never have nut hands and are quite exploitable postflop, also you allow him to fold out hands like 106ss and play perfectly v you. I want my opinion to continue with 106ss this run out just kind of sucked.
I can see the merits in establishing a bluff raise range here 100bb deep but I feel it is dangerous considering the stacks especially with a hand like ak. I would like to cr here with hands that at least have some backdoor value( 89ss etc). Interested to hear other opinions on a cr strategy here?
I would not call T6s OOP vs a decent sized 4bet. I don't have a big 4bet calling range but it's often cards that play well postflop. Broadway suited connectors for example. And JJ. OOP I play mostly linear unless I smell weakness
Villain must be thinking alot AND have played a lot of hands with you before they can know you never call with AA at for example 135bb+. I think you must go higher in stakes before most multitabling regs with 300hand history on you can guesstimate this well enough to be a problem
I very rarely get AA, and even more rarely get them to showdown
villain had 106ss he 4 bet the hand did not call it.
As Sb vs 3-bettor here despite your hand history with villain it is probably likely villain will have a flatting range of some sort as they are in IP. If villain is 4-betting too much in this spot having a small 5-bet strategy here seems good (say 50 or so) and reduces the SPR down to ~1.2. However if we assume villain is balanced and only employs 4-bet or fold strategy here then I like your line.
On flop villain goes for 1/3 pot - against this sizing we should have an aggressive x/r strategy, the first question I would ask is what does your calling 4-bet range look like here SB vs BTN OOP? AsAx obviously doesn't need as much protection as non spade aces so can play as a call, and x/r AA w/o A of spades. Depending on how narrow your range is here it may be hard to come up with enough/any c/r bluffs here. You mention 89ss as a potential c/r bluff. Is that in your range here as you are OOP?
Should we mandatory have an aggressive cr line here? I mean I fold out all my pps pre and I don't see me wanting to get in an overpair in on the flop for c. 150bb. I definitely have most suited connectors in my range here & JJ+ I just think most of my range check calls here.
I can only see check jam as an option if holding KKAA without a spade as hansa mentioned above.
Smaller sizing if employed correctly usually is done with a wider range by player c-betting. If we allow opponent to c-bet whole range and we defend only with x/c it causes a problem, namely we allow villain to capitalize on fold-equity while also realizing his equity with his weakest hands on the turn (similar to how in blinds we want to be defending with aggressive raising strategy depending on opener's range, sizing, etc.). Furthermore I don't know if you will have a leading range on certain turn cards and therefore villain can check back turn to realize his equity.
I think part of your concern here is that you believe your range is capped at overpairs and connectors with draws here. Against 1/3 pot sizing the MDF here is 75% so we need to be defending a good amount here. Can probably x/r backdoor clubs with backdoor SD and other higher equity bluffs here if you have any of those combos then all JJ, QQ for protection and non spade KK+ for value along with 2 pair 67s if you do have those combos - KK+ w/ spades I do prefer as call though.
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