AA on a 4 flush board
Posted by PokerVagabond
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Low Stakes
AA on a 4 flush board
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $11.11
SB: $5.35 (Hero)
BB: $12.81
UTG: $6.15
MP: $7.27
CO: $6.33
SB: $5.35 (Hero)
BB: $12.81
UTG: $6.15
MP: $7.27
CO: $6.33
Hero is SB with
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Overcalling villain is playing 18/7 over 28 hands. I put him on a relatively strong range of ATs+, 88+ with maybe some random suited connectors.
I think I should size up here. I am at least getting called by most pocket pairs once, charging flush draws and KQ,AQ type hands
Obviously the flush draw gets there but that isn't a huge part of his range in my opinion. I don't like the idea of checking and giving any diamond a free card (88+ with a diamond for example) I think I could possibly size up and commit myself regardless If I would have bet closer to pot on the flop then I would be left with a near pot sized bet left on this turn.
Now I have to admit that I was totally tilted here and actually quit my session straight after. I think this spot here could have been avoided by sizing up in earlier streets?
Final Pot
lost and shows a pair of Aces.
BB wins and shows a flush, Ace high.
BB wins $10.40
Rake is $0.45
BB wins and shows a flush, Ace high.
BB wins $10.40
Rake is $0.45
Obviously not amazingly well played but it did bring up some interesting spots. Should I have sized up in earlier streets? I don't believe taking a more passive line would be higher EV in the long run but would love to hear your thoughts
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Not sure that I like to play 2 streets here, need to bet pot on the flop and shove turn. You played fine till river, where you suppose to check/fold river. Shoving is quite big mistake
Yep knew it was a massive mistake but far too tilted. Cheers for the input buddy
not sure it's an autobet turn without the Ad oop ? interested to see other pov here
I'm fine with flop and turn, but the river is a really clear check/fold. All the other plays seem pretty bad.
What happens when you check is that you generally win againts hands that are worse than you (mainly Qx without a diamond, those checkback the river most of the time) and you lose to flushes (really strong flushes shove and some weaker flushes probably checkback), so there are no real downsides for checking, since you won't get bluffed out all that often I would say.
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