AA in 3 bet pot 3 way facing 4 bet after cold 3betcall
Posted by gaudthegreat
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AA in 3 bet pot 3 way facing 4 bet after cold 3betcall
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $8.09
SB: $3.69
BB: $6.77
UTG: $10.95
MP: $5.91 (Hero)
CO: $11.78
SB: $3.69
BB: $6.77
UTG: $10.95
MP: $5.91 (Hero)
CO: $11.78
Hero is MP with
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SB is 33/28 over 19 hands / 4.0 agg
UTG is 25/17 over 134 hands / 4 bet 9% pf / 3.3 agg / fold to 3bet 50% / 35% PFR UTG
When UTG 4bet pf, i decided to only call cause i want to keep SB in the pot and want to keep UTG range as wide as possible while im IP.
After SB and UTG check on K96 TT i decided to bet small for value, SB call which is great but then UTG repops alll in, at that point i know that i have no choice but too call cause there is way too much money in the pot for me to fold. But i have a question, would checking flop would be an option, since i block the biggest FD?
in general i want to know what do you guys think of my line here? just wanted to play a bit different so i can have a big range advantage in 3 way pot
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personally i think your overthinking here, just 5B pre if it was just you and the UTG fine to call or 5B as played im not folding this here, we have the As which can help for BDFD, i doubt the SB is very strong the way he played so far and UTG we only should lose to KK but he might play AK similar
preflop :It is hard to know which action is higher EV for AA , but it seems like UTG will always call 5b because he is doing a huge 4b vs 2player and MP has a strong range.Also he is ready to call SB's shove for sure.So he cant have too many bluffs i guess.So i like 5b allin
flop: SPR is so low, there is nothing you can do but get it in. you can use a small sizing as well(with your AsAc you dont afraid of anything),like$0.9.
you lose to KK sometimes for sure but you cant fold.
thinking about ur call4b range here, then checking back flop is fine.
maybe they have some giveup then turn it into a bluff on the turn. but it depends on the villain tendency.So nothing wrong with betcall flop.
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