AA all the way

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AA all the way

SB: $11.46 (Hero)
BB: $10.15
HJ: $9.05
CO: $20.74
BN: $3.67
Preflop ($0.15) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt A A
HJ calls $0.10, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $0.40, BB calls $0.30, HJ calls $0.30
Flop ($1.25) 4 8 3 (3 Players)
Hero bets $0.80, BB calls $0.80, HJ calls $0.80
Turn ($3.65) 4 8 3 5 (3 Players)
Hero bets $3, BB calls $3, HJ folds
River ($9.65) 4 8 3 5 6 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $5.95, and is all in, Hero calls $5.95

BB Villain is 33/21  ftcet 45%   33 WTSD  146 hands.  / UTG is 41/0 over 174

PF : Could have made it something like 5BB, but I did not wanted to scare them away.

Flop: Value Bet

Turn: Value bet

River: x/call letting him to fire all his spade draws that he would have just folded vs a bet. If he slow played something like QQ-KK I`m expecting him to fire with those as well... maybe even with TT-JJ

I know this could look standard, and the latest hands I posted... but I just had a horrible run lately and I keep getting into top ranges of villains. This being said, I still think it's bad to check/fold river in such a spot. 

What do you think? Would have you played it differently?


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doncamatic 10 years, 5 months ago

I think river's pretty close. Sure if he's bluffing with most of his spade combos and not value betting thinly you can call. So often I see people checking behind with spades with no showdown value in this spot so I think it's read dependent. I think I'd call the first time without reads at least.

filthynines 10 years, 5 months ago

I think that your theory should lead to the opposite result. Without specific reads we should be folding because people check behind with spades on the River.

filthynines 10 years, 5 months ago

This is a horrible board for AA. When he calls the first bet on the Flop the Villain's range is heavily middle cards which hit this board (with some big cards with spades), and with the Turn bet it's narrowed further, and certainly narrowed to fewer flush-draw combos which do not include a card lower than 7.

By the River I expect that the value hands against you are 66/77 and 56. I think that this is unlikely to be a bluff at 10NL. They fit the betting here.

rogueserpent 10 years, 5 months ago

Them being fishy is more of a reason for him to have fishy cards... He could show up here with A, 7 or 2 with just a single spade. Horrible board for your hand, I would have been in read mode and damage control...

Zoty79 10 years, 5 months ago

The mistake starts prreflop. Raise bigger preflop. Beginner players tend to make the mistake, that that they "don want to scare away" players. If they are fishy players, you have to raise really big!!! Also with your other hands. Because their range is so big, they hit the board less often, and fold more. So your redline is going up. And if they hit somthing, like a middlepair or draw, they are goig to make a lot of mistakes. On this river, it is a c/f because straight is out there, and all possible sets! if he bluffs you once in a while, so be it!

Zoty79 10 years, 5 months ago

Yea, sets are going to raise the turn. But you can never exclude at least 1Kombo of set. People like somtimes to trap even on drawy boards! It happend to me also a few times!

rogueserpent 10 years, 5 months ago

7,7 means he didn't believe you or is just really bad. It's low stakes so beats like this are going to happen. But, in the long run you'll make money on his flop and turn call. 

dakalle4 10 years, 5 months ago

I'm playing similar stakes and although it's great to have fish that call too much, my experience at these stakes is when they shove all in, they usually have it. Since you mention they're fish I think it's worth mentioning that they could even show up with a 2K or 7x in this situation. Some players at these stakes hold on to anything in hopes of catching a card later. 

I've been running into value lately so often in spots like this that I've started check folding in this river spot. It is certainly exploitable but at these stakes I'm not so concerned about people picking up on it. The way I see it is; if I'm not paying them off in spots where I think they have to have it, I'm exploiting villain instead of the other way around.

If you've played a lot of hands with villain before and you've seen him make some spazzy low equity river shoves then I'd be a lot more inclined to call.

Cozacu 10 years, 5 months ago

As always, thank you guys for the feedback. And I`m sorry to have to disagree with you in the next couple of lines. I do believe this is a constructive discussion for me and I fully respect your views on the hand.

Reviewing this again I still think it's fine... I mean, after my turn bet I`m 100% pot committed. With less than 1SPR I think it would be really sick to think about folding vs a recreational player who could still shove and show you A8 because he doesn't have a clue what he is doing. 

Vs a lot of bricks on river I will shove my self and expect to be called by worst. 

About them checking back a lot on river, only shoving for value I don't think that is still the case at 10NL. I just check/called in so many spots where I got jammed on with trash hands and I had the board destroyed. 

... in the past I had the leak that I was calling to much flop + turn and folding a ton of rivers (villains -regs and fish(although less) noted, and I got exploited). Now I`m trying to be a lot more balanced with my river calls and AA is pretty much at the top of our range in such a spot, with 1<SPR I can't see this being anything else but a call. 

rogueserpent 10 years, 5 months ago

I really can't believe that you're actually being exploited at this level, outside if someone you play with all day, everyday. 

A/A is a pair on that river, and you're not committed to a sixty big blind river call. 

He may have actually put you on an over pair and hoped you called the donkey all in. You did, that's exploitation as well. 

Cozacu 10 years, 5 months ago

Fair enough. But him showing up with 77 (which had 12% eq on turn) pretty much proves my point that his turn calling range is trash... trash that he won't let go easily on many rivers. All sets (especially with HJ still in the hand) would probably raise turn, same goes for two pairs which makes it quite likely for him to have something like A8, 99-KK (although QQ and KK would have probably raised at some point too as well... but not necesarrly)

Hm... probably most likely hands are combos of 87,77,66,56... but he could still jam a ton of spade draws, especially w AsX.

To be honest I don't know which is the best play here but I`m still inclined for check/call... bet bet check/fold with AA vs this villain just seems too weak to me.

filthynines 10 years, 5 months ago

I see where you're coming from, but you asked for our opinions and we largely all said that you were beaten by the River. And most of us had figured it out before you posted the result, with a couple of us narrowing the range to a couple of combos which included the exact hand the Villain held. There's a lot to be said for the wisdom of crowds. 

You say that you've run into the top of a lot of ranges lately, which suggests you've stacked off in some similar situations. This has to be a large leak. If you plug it then you may find yourself being far more profitable. 

I stand by my initial analysis (biased somewhat by the fact that I read the hand correctly), and you may find benefit from posting similar hands for analysis. You may especially want to find any hands where you had big pairs and got stacked. 

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