AA 4bp get jam OTR

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AA 4bp get jam OTR

OTF, i feel this flop is bad for me.villian range had AQ,KQ,JJ,TT and he will jam AA,KK pre
OTT, i can't beat any thing, sholud i jam when villian check.i feel i should check turn and check river
OTR, facing jam, i feel i can't beat any thing so i fold. any reason to call this bet?if villian check ,should i jam?


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Jeff_ 4 years, 2 months ago

Flop isn't super great for you but still I belive you have range advantage(and EV). He doesn't get great pot odds to peel 4bet pre so even KQs should be mixed. However TT+ are defiently peels (or jam sometimes).
However your flop size is on a bigger side you certainly can bet smaller (holding Ad as well).

Turn I don't think you get to jam here. He shouldn't have AJs pre or peel flop unless he has AdJd. KJs same story should not peel pre. So that leaves his range with pretty much something like random KJ/AQss,KQ/JJ/TT/AK/QQ-AA // 56-76dd

On the river I have no idea. For this pot odds(he doesnt get to bluff a lot) you might get to call if he bluffs AJ/KJ type of stuff which he peeled as a mistake preflop( i would say it is easy to make mistake and call KJ/JT for example thinking you get odds etc....) but folding certainly is alright.

Ryan 4 years, 2 months ago

Fold river. There’s like no bluffs here, and imagine it’s very easy for people to just take their showdown with the bluff they do have falsely hoping for showdown....

I think it’s also possible for people to flat some AKo vs the 4b in these positions, so there’s even more value combos present.
On flop, if I bet I would be smaller, don’t think we need to bet that big here, a small bet puts a lot of pressure on things like 99, or even gutters aren’t loving it. But, I’d say checking could be an alright idea as well, as we can bluff catch good run outs. I wouldn’t jam river or turn, I’d either consider a small bet or a check back, just depending on the villain.

LetEmKnow 4 years, 2 months ago

def need to size down on flop and leverage your range adv, as played it was fine, hard for villain to ever show up with bluffs but as jeff said they could potentially show up with some if they turn Tx/Jx into a bluff which should be folding flop i believe unless it has fd/bdfd but population might overcall these spots...

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