AA 3bet pot line check
Posted by skatomat
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Low Stakes
AA 3bet pot line check
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players)
UTG: $67.85
CO: $50.00
BN: $62.70 (Hero)
SB: $85.10
BB: $79.51
CO: $50.00
BN: $62.70 (Hero)
SB: $85.10
BB: $79.51
Villain is 26/22/11.8 over 225 hands
F3 57
FC 20(5)/0(2)
WtSD 39
F3 57
FC 20(5)/0(2)
WtSD 39
Hero is BN with
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Looks fine, it's a good board to 3barrel especially because CO can't really have 8x.
If he's calling QQ-TT,AKo,AQs-AJs,KQs,QJs,JTs,[50]KK[/50] vs the 3bet QQ is 8.11% of his flop range. Talking purely quantitatively as far as 1-A considerations your bets should make him fold maybe 30% on the flop, 40% on the turn, and another ~50% on the river, which adds up to you getting called by the top 21% of his range on the river. That makes AA a clear valuebet against a villain calling 1-A and defending that preflop range...
It is very likely villain overfolds at least one of the streets. I don't even think it's wrong for villain to because it's very likely that you don't bluff enough in this spot unless you're consciously trying to find hands to bluff with. If villain overfolds any of these streets it could pretty quickly become wrong to valuebet AA for this sizing on the river. If it's wrong to valuebet AA for this sizing on the river you had an option at some point in the hand to bluff an exploitatively high frequency, so if you're finding that AA is consistently bad for you take a look at your game and see if you're really bluffing enough here and then try to overbluff the spot until you're seeing villains look you up with KK and AQ enough.
Good stuff. TY!
Oh, HH seems messed up.
Seems like Villain is CO, not MP.
He has 40% CO-Steal so far.
Oh yeah, I thought he was UTG. Definitely an easy valuebet with AA otr then.
What about checking back the flop? I think it's very easy to play the hand after that. KK I would bet, AA check back. Is it just stupid?
Checking back flop is good sometimes, yeah. I think a reasonable randomizer would be to only consider a check back when both of our suits are on the board on a rainbow board since there's slightly less chance we let him hit a backdoor flush, but if we have any read on villain that read could very quickly make checking back always obviously best (if he overfolds but stabs when we check, for example) or betting always obviously best (if he underfolds and plays passively when we check).
I like the play and I probably play it the same until I find out I'm getting crushed every time.
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