A8s river thin valuebet? 10NL
Posted by Alex Geiger
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Alex Geiger
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Low Stakes
A8s river thin valuebet? 10NL
BB: $7.17
HJ: $8.63
CO: $10 (Hero)
BN: $16.20
SB: $20.44
HJ: $8.63
CO: $10 (Hero)
BN: $16.20
SB: $20.44
SB: 24/21 3bet from SB: 0!!!(27) F2FCbet: 50 WTSD: 27
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.40, BN folds, SB calls $0.35, BB folds, HJ folds
HJ calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.40, BN folds, SB calls $0.35, BB folds, HJ folds
Isolating the limper is standard...
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $0.60,
SB calls $0.60
I thought about check-back, because if I bet, I should bet with the intention of betting decent turns.
I put him on a hand range like this, after called the cbet OOP: {6x, 7x, 45, 89, 2over float, 2over+BDFD}
I put him on a hand range like this, after called the cbet OOP: {6x, 7x, 45, 89, 2over float, 2over+BDFD}
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $1.35,
SB calls $1.35
I made a mistake with bet ~61,5% PSB in this turn. I should bet about $1.7, because 8d improved the draw part of his flop calling range (however He could have 2pairs to). BDFD, pair+OESD.
He check raises his nuts Imo, because He's OOP, and I have the possibility to check back the river.
He check raises his nuts Imo, because He's OOP, and I have the possibility to check back the river.
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $1.50,
SB calls $1.50
Subsequently I stoved him a range which is capable to call a tripple barrel (with this tiny river sizing).
26 games 0.000 secs 5,200 games/sec
Board: 2s 6d 7h 8d 2h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 84.615% 84.62% 00.00% 22 0.00 { JJ-99, T8s, 98s, 86s+ }
Hand 1: 15.385% 15.38% 00.00% 4 0.00 { Ah8h }
We're way behind against this range even if I don't calculate with the nutted type hands... (just because He check-raises them OTT in the decent amount of the time.
All in all, that was a pretty bad idea to bet the river. It should be a clear check back...
Any advice Guys?
Thank You!!
Subsequently I stoved him a range which is capable to call a tripple barrel (with this tiny river sizing).
26 games 0.000 secs 5,200 games/sec
Board: 2s 6d 7h 8d 2h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 84.615% 84.62% 00.00% 22 0.00 { JJ-99, T8s, 98s, 86s+ }
Hand 1: 15.385% 15.38% 00.00% 4 0.00 { Ah8h }
We're way behind against this range even if I don't calculate with the nutted type hands... (just because He check-raises them OTT in the decent amount of the time.
All in all, that was a pretty bad idea to bet the river. It should be a clear check back...
Any advice Guys?
Thank You!!
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I dont see any value in betting turn. Check ott and fold river unimproved.
is this a joke?
Vbet turn is little optimistic indeed, he wont have many 6x,7x, maybe get some value from 89s but thats only 2 combos and he prob folds it pre in SB.. So i check turn with SDV and re-ev rvr.
Rvr is def pretty thin just checkback imo. I expect him to c/f a bunch of his Ahs on turn and dont really think he pays off rvr with them anyway when he has them.
Am i missing something here? Surely we would be betting the turn here for value/protection. Having low pocket pairs (unimproved) and Axx is completely reasonable SB holdings. Allowing SB to freeroll with his 6+ out floats isn't desirable
Hmm dont really agree, 6outs how ? the Ace is great for us gives us 2pair and we get paid vs his AQ,AJ.
As he has a 0% 3bet from the SB, all his broadway suited hands with a backdoor flush draw are peeling the flop for one bet - 6 outs. If he has 44 the turn gives him a gut shot - 6 outs.
If he has the unlikely AQ/AJ that didn't 3bet pre (reasonable given his 0% 3bet). You hoping for one of two Aces remaining in the deck to pop off on the river to get paid by those two specific hands...
If he flats hands like 86s SB versus BTN open then you need to include all Axx Kxx some Qxx Jxx. i just see bundles of hands in SB that require you to bet the turn.
The river bet is too thin versus tighter players but not weak loose opponents. You do value own yourself versus 99, or a passively played 87/86 but those are very few combos.
I dont think he can call that much from SB.
Ah now i see BB is fishy as well, well depending on how fishy BB is i agree he could have a wider range than normal.
What range do u assign to him? You think he calls 4 BB OOP with A6s A7s enough? these are 6 combos since we block some.... So no joking lol.
my 3bet was cold called out the SB with 93s the other day. I may be a little biased ;)
The fact that we know villain called the turn does affect our judgement of the hand. you will simply get a turn fold, so yes his hand looks stronger now that its called flop and turn.
SB possible flat ranges: (overly-tight) JJ-22, BWs, some Axx some SCs (if he is loose than turn is a clear barrel)
-if villain has no 3bet i presume he overcompensates by calling too much postflop. Since the flop is rainbow, he has BWs with BDFD (3x10)30, pocket pairs 33-55 that call the flop and maybe fold turn (we dont know he will fold or call yet) 18, Axx 5 combos.. roughly 50 depending on how he plays his low pairs and Axx. 99-JJ/sets/quads 26 .. off the top of my head, but this is generous as he didn't raise flop (and/or turn but we looking at whether we should bet the turn). AND this assumes villain isnt raising any of these hands pre OR OTF
I understand he has weaker hands. I dont see him calling ott enough to make it profitable.
i like bet on turn (little bigger how you say before)
but dont like thin value bet on wet board when nothing come ,he have lot of draw and he can make raise here with it when you bet so small-his raise range will be here 87,86,54,float with 9T and some buster float draw->you never call ,and you give him oportunity too raise with air here
You're right, but I think He won't raise with 78, 86, because He just valuetowns himself against my 99+ type hands.
oh ,of course i miss read river ,i didnt see board is pair and his overpair is now better than two pair 67,78 .sry:)
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